A small kitchen can be cozy and super-functional. Simply, its arrangement requires a little more careful planning and non-standard solutions. In this material we presented 16 tricks to help you plan the design of a small kitchen, and collected 100 photos of beautiful interiors for your inspiration.
16 tricks of small kitchen design
Reception 1. Bet on white
White color is ideal for decorating a small kitchen, because it tends to reflect light, due to which it creates a feeling of spaciousness and visually spreads the walls. By the way, contrary to popular myths, white surfaces are much more practical than dark ones. And in general, the interiors, decorated in bright colors, seem neater motley. In this selection of photos you can see the interiors of small kitchens with white walls and / or furniture (scroll to the right).
Tip: One of the trends of 2018 is monochrome interiors with white floors, walls and furniture. Using this trick in the design of a small kitchen, you can "erase" the boundaries of close space and create the illusion of space. And so that the interior of a small kitchen in a white scale does not seem too sterile, use several shades of white and combine contrasting textures. For example, kitchen facades can be glossy, the walls are brick, and the apron is glass-like in this interior of a small kitchen in a stalinka in the photo below.

White small kitchen in Stalinka
See also the material: Kitchen design 5 square. meters from repair to decor.
Reception 2. Corner or single row headset
In most cases, for a small kitchen is optimal. L-shaped layout. Firstly, it is compact, and secondly, it allows you to use two adjacent walls and the angle between them, arrange the stove, sink and refrigerator according to the "working triangle" principle.
Tip: To save space, a part of the corner set should be done, for example, a depth of 35 cm as in the design of the 6-meter kitchen in the photo below (scroll to the right).
However, much depends on the shape of the room and area. For example, for very small kitchens (up to 5 square meters) a linear layout is more suitable. For the greatest convenience of single-row headset, the working points should be arranged in the following order: refrigerator - washing - cutting area - stove (as shown in this photo).

Very small kitchen design
- If the kitchen is narrow, then we can consider a two-row layout. The main thing is that the passage between the furniture was not less than 100 cm.
Below in the photo you can see the design of a small kitchen with a two-row layout and a built-in dining area.
See also the material: How to equip the kitchen area of 6 square meters. meters.
Reception 3. Radical redevelopment
Yes, redevelopment always complicates, delays and increases the cost of repairs, because for its implementation it is necessary to prepare a project and get permission from housing inspections. However, with its help you will achieve the best results. Here are 3 possible solutions for optimizing space:
- Combining a small kitchen with a living room. Although this measure will not lead to an increase in the area, it will help create a feeling of a more spacious and modern space. In the photo below you can see the design of a small kitchen in a redesigned one-room Khrushchev.

Design a small kitchen in Khrushchev
- Accession loggia. Partial or full joining of glazed and insulated loggia add a couple of extra meters to the kitchen and, importantly, make it lighter.
But the design project of a small kitchen with an attached balcony in a one-room apartment in Brezhnev.
- In some cases kitchen can be combined with hallway / corridor or even move it there.
To avoid visual confusion, the combined room must be physically or visually zoned. Here are a few ideas:
- Zoning with different floor, wall and / or ceiling finishes. For example, the kitchen area can be tiled, and the living room / entrance area can be finished with floorboard (see the example in the kitchen photo in the re-planned Khrushchevka above). Also in the kitchen will be appropriate multi-level ceiling, which allows, firstly, to hide some of the communication, and secondly, to divide the space.
- Use of furniture as a separator. On the border between the kitchen and the living room can I put a sofa, console, table-island, rack or bar counter (see photo below). The main thing is that the separator furniture does not interfere with the penetration of sunlight.
- Zoning with partitions. They can be low (they can be used as a bar table or a peninsula), glass (so that light penetrates into the rooms freely) or in the form of sliding doors. Here is a selection of photos of small kitchens with partitions.

An example of kitchen zoning in a studio apartment
Keep in mind that the open plan has its drawbacks: lack of privacy, the need to always maintain order in both areas, the penetration of noise and odors throughout the apartment.
See the material on the topic: Kitchen 7 square. meters in 9 steps.
Reception 4. Remaking the window sill
For example, it can be embedded in a headset or turned into a bar. This idea, albeit somewhat troublesome in its implementation, but really useful for planning a small kitchen. Just do not forget to make several holes in the window sill to allow warm air to circulate. Otherwise, the windows will constantly mist over, and this threatens to cause mold.
In the following photos you can see the interiors of small kitchens with window-sills.

Sill as a continuation of the tabletop and headset
Reception 5. Waiver of the door
Swing door "eats" a lot of space and clutters the small kitchen, so it is desirable to give it up. Instead, you can simply leave an open doorway, decorated casings, redo it in the arch, hang a curtain or install sliding doors as in the photo below.
Keep in mind that an open doorway causes some inconvenience. For example, the smells of food penetrate more into all adjacent rooms, and any noise from the kitchen can be heard throughout the apartment.
Reception 6. Using built-in mini-technology
You can save space in the kitchen at the expense of household appliances. First, it must be built-in, not stationary. So you save not only precious centimeters, but also create the effect of seamlessness and uniformity of the working area facades. Secondly, whenever possible the equipment should pick up the reduced sizes.
Thus, instead of the standard dishwasher, it is better to choose a machine with a width of 45 cm, and a hob with two, rather than four burners.
Thirdly, try to pick up multifunctional appliances, for example, a multi-cooker, a bread maker or an oven-microwave.

Tiny Kitchens - Tiny Appliances
See also: How to choose built-in appliances for the kitchen
Reception 7. Set with an additional tier
If there is not enough space for storing things, then it is necessary to use height.A kitchen set with an additional tier and built to the ceiling will provide you with many places where you can arrange glass, festive dishes, grocery stocks or just junk such as jars for jam.

High kitchen set for a small kitchen
Reception 8. Multifunctional and compact furniture for the dining area
These tips will help to arrange the dining area in a small or very small area:
- For those who lead a mobile lifestyle, the dining table should be replaced. bar counter, folding or coffee table.

Folding table when folded more like a hinged shelf
- If mini-tables do not suit you, choose a traditional rectangular or square-shaped table to make the most efficient use of space. It is desirable that the furniture was visually light and compact. Well, if the table will be displayed and / or have built-in boxes for storing napkins, candles and other trifles.

Rectangular kitchen table in a small kitchen
Choosing a dining table or, say, a bar counter, try to buy not too big, but not too small furniture. Remember that one person has a seat about 60 cm wide. The depth of the tabletop must be at least 45 cm.
- Chairs for a small kitchen fit light in weight and in appearance. If guests often come to you, borrow folding chairs that you can fold and hang on the wall as unnecessary.
- Transparent polycarbonate chairs (price for a chair replica Louis Ghost 4-5 tr.) - a super idea for a small kitchen. After all, they absolutely do not clutter up the interior due to their “invisibility”, they can stack on each other, almost do not scratch, do not break, are easy to clean and weigh little.
Reception 9. Using no more than 2-3 colors in drawing up the color scheme of the interior
So you will avoid the feeling of congestion and make the situation orderly.
Another tip: bright and dark colors in the design of a small kitchen are quite acceptable, but in small doses and in combination with a neutral background. Next, you can see several illustrative examples of the application of this principle.
Reception 10. Finishing with “optical illusion”
Ideally, the walls of a small kitchen should be solid, but some types of prints and patterns can visually enlarge the space:
- If you paint one accent wall with a wide horizontal strip, the space will visually appear wider. This technique is great for elongated and narrow spaces, but not suitable for low.
- You can change the perception of a small kitchen with the help of photo wallpapers with an image in which there is a perspective. For example, it may be a forest trail, a city street or a highway as in the photo below.
- Small kitchens often have low ceilings. To correct this deficiency will help wallpaper in a vertical strip or with a vertical pattern, for example, in the form of trees. True, any verticals narrow the space somewhat, so they should be used in moderation, for example, only on one wall.
- Pull up the ceiling of the small kitchen and help wallpaper in a diamond as in the photo below.
By the way, large and bright patterns and prints of a small kitchen are contraindicated, as they visually overload the interior and make the space even smaller.
With the floor finish, similar principles work:
- Floorboards / slats / tiles in a small kitchen are best laid diagonally. If the kitchen is narrow, the laminate / floorboard should be placed across the room. Single-sided laying boards / laminate is to prefer laying in a run or “herringbone” small dies.

Just as clothes with horizontal stripes visually increase a person’s volumes, the striped floor in this photo will stretch the kitchen with a small area.
Reception 11. Facing the walls with mirrors
Mirrors in a small kitchen, they can create a miracle - to “double” it. If you hang a mirror in front of the window, the amount of light in the room will double.Here are three ways to use this trick:
- Facing the apron;
- Finish one wall completely;
- Facing a fragment of the wall with a mirror, for example, at the dining area;
- Installing a conventional floor mirror.
In the next selection of photos are presented the interiors of small kitchens with mirrors in typical Moscow apartments.
Reception 12. The use of hidden reserves for storage
How to equip a small kitchen to fit everything you need into it? Note the following ideas:
- You can make a niche out of two canisters and a wall cupboard, and place a small dining area in it as shown in the following photo. It is important that at the same time the furniture was white or to match the walls.
- Hang lockers or shelves can be directly above the door.
- Benches, stools kitchen corners, padded stools or sofas often have built-in drawers hidden under the seat - it is convenient to store tablecloths, rarely used appliances, utensils or kitchen stuff here. Remember, furniture for a small kitchen should be multifunctional.
- The place under the sink can serve as storage for household trifles if the hooks and baskets are hung on the doors.
- To ensure that the corner section is 100% used, equip it with a special retractable, withdrawable or rotating storage system.
- Equipping the base of the headset with drawers gives you extra storage space for baking tins, foil, bags and other kitchen items.
- Free banks on the countertop or cabinet will help to free space, the lids of which are screwed to the bottom of the wall cabinet. It is convenient to store spices and other bulk products in them.
- If you use a stationary refrigerator, use the space above it or around it with benefit.
Reception 13. Uniform lighting - the secret of comfort and sensation of space
To make a small kitchen cozy and spacious, you need to create the right lighting. It should be uniform, pleasant to the eye, without harsh shadows, narrowing the space. The usual scheme "central chandelier + furniture lighting" in a small, and even more narrow room, only hurts. But the spotlights, mounted around the perimeter of the ceiling, or wall sconces, installed evenly along the walls, will create the desired effect of soft light.
But the ceiling chandelier / composition of suspensions should be hung at a height of 70 cm just above the dining table as in this photo of a small kitchen-dining room in a redesigned Khrushchev.
Reception 14. Minimum decor and decorations
For example, magnets brought from travels should be removed from the refrigerator and taken to the cottage. However, it is not necessary to completely abandon accessories and jewelery, otherwise the interior will not seem residential. Living plants, a couple of paintings / posters, hours on the wall and beautiful dishes are enough to decorate a small kitchen.
Reception 15. Window decoration with short and laconic curtains
The following types of curtains are ideal for decorating small kitchen windows:
- Roman curtains;
- Rolled;
- Panel;
- Jalousie;
- Classic cropped curtains with easy assembly;
- Curtains cafe.

Roman curtains in a small kitchen
Reception 16. Elimination of disorder
The fewer things in a small kitchen, the better. Try organize storage so that everything that is usually placed on the table top (from dishes to appliances) is hidden in the drawers and cabinets.
- Furniture for a small kitchen - the secrets of designers in one article
- Design and repair of a small kitchen in Khrushchev - 13 proven solutions
- Planning and repairing a small kitchen
- Kitchen design 8 square. m in seven steps
- 10 tips on improving the kitchen area of 9 square meters. meters
- Kitchen design 10 square meters. m
Very successful examples are shown, for a long time I could not think of what to do with my kitchen. I hope that in the near future I will definitely make repairs in the kitchen according to these sketches.
I personally wanted to leave the illusion of free space in the five-meter kitchen. Therefore, the hinged lockers did not do at all. I have to admit, I also have few kitchen supplies, because there is absolutely no place to store them.
We like to have breakfast in the kitchen, before the repair it was not very convenient, given the size. Now made a sliding tabletop under the windowsill. Very comfortable, ate and pushed, and the place in the kitchen remains a lot.
I am also close to this idea from a recent article - even in a small kitchen I want to somehow separate the working area for cooking and the dining area “dining room”, the article has some good ideas on zoning kitchen space
Of course, if the kitchen is really 5 meters, then zoning will not help. Zoning itself can visually reduce it even more.
I often read your portal, I like that everything is written in plain language, without water and intricacies, again, super pictures, and tips and life-giving explanations! I decided to share life hacking, suddenly someone would come in handy: we have a small kitchen, and the question was where to fit the dishwasher, even though I chose a narrow and compact one from Hotpoint (my smart girl and assistant), but there was no place in her small kitchen for her. I decided to build it under the bar counter (we didn’t even have a full table, only the bar counter), and you know, it turned out to be a great solution! does not occupy useful space!
very beautiful photos, thanks for the inspiration!)) in general, of course, for a small kitchen the best solution is built-in appliances. we bought Indesit, I liked the quality-price ratio, they did not miss the choice, I think