We tell and show how to choose the appropriate color of wallpaper for an existing or future headsets.
Perhaps the famous slogan "just add water" could be adopted by manufacturers of liquid wallpaper. After all, really, to apply on the wall or to restore such a coating, you need only water and a trowel. But is silk plaster suitable for kitchen walls? We understand the question further in the article.
An arched doorway instead of a kitchen door is a great way to visually make it more spacious. We offer step-by-step instructions for making an interior arch with your own hands, as well as 40 photos of different design arches in the interior further in the article.
We get acquainted with one of the most ancient types of wall decoration - decorative plaster: 30 photos in the interior, an overview of application techniques and popular designs, as well as a master class on wall decoration with your own hands.
We find out which wallpaper can only be wiped with a rag, and which - even with a brush! We also determine the best and worst types in terms of ease of care.
Choosing non-woven wallpaper for painting and vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base. We compare them with vinyl and paper wallpaper and glue independently for 6 steps.
Find out what types of vinyl wallpaper are and what is best to choose for the kitchen. And also we calculate the consumption of materials, choose the appropriate glue and glue the wallpaper yourself.
Seascapes or city streets, the Eiffel Tower or the Golden Gate Bridge, Monet or Deineka ... What wallpaper will transform your kitchen, beating its features in your favor? We understand the tricks and techniques of designers further in the article.
How to paint the walls in the kitchen neat and simple, with no experience? What paints can withstand frequent washing? Why paints for kitchen decoration are more expensive? What you need to know before buying materials: paints, brushes and rollers? We answer questions and study the "painting" case.
Almost every person at least once in their life glued wallpaper on their own. It is really not difficult even for a beginner. How to stick the wallpaper on the kitchen is really beautiful and quickly read further in the article.
Combining wallpaper is a simple and effective way to update the kitchen, make it unusual and stylish. But how to combine patterns, textures and colors? We study the rules of designers with more than 50 illustrative examples.
Classification of plastic panels. The main advantages and disadvantages of the material.The main recommendations for choosing - color, style, design. Rules of fastening PVC panels.
Find out which wallpapers are best for the kitchen and what you need to know before you buy them, as well as draw design ideas from the selection of interior photos