Wallpapers are good because they do not require thorough plastering of walls, as required for painting, hide small irregularities, and also allow you to fix some of the room’s defects, for example, a low ceiling or a small area. And they are just beautiful and able to transform even the most boring interior. On the other hand, the difficult conditions of the kitchen and frequent cleaning will not, unfortunately, withstand every wallpaper. In addition, this material has a weak point - the seams, which eventually begin to peel off and wear out. About how to choose wallpaper for the kitchen, so that they were beautiful, practical and served for a long time, we will tell in this material.
Overview of wallpaper types
There are different types of wallpapers, but only:
- Vinyl (paper / non-woven base);
- Flizelinovye (for painting);
- Glass fiber (also for painting).
Let's look at each of these types in more detail.
Vinyl wallpapers
They consist of two layers - the decorative top layer and the base. With the choice of the basics, everything is simple: it can be either paper or non-woven. The latter is suitable for decorating the walls of the kitchen much more.
- Non-woven base makes it easy wallpaper sticking process, because the glue is applied only on the wall. This means that its consumption is halved, and the canvas does not stretch and does not shrink when it dries (matching the pattern becomes easier). In addition, the non-woven base better levels out minor irregularities and cracks in the walls, and also allows you to peel the wallpaper easily and without residue.
Depending on the top decorative layer, vinyl wallpapers are divided into 4 main types:
- Foamed vinyl wallpaper;
- Compact vinyl;
- Hard vinyl;
- "Kitchen Vinyl".
Wallpaper for painting made of foamed vinyl is not suitable for the decoration of the kitchen, as it is not sufficiently resistant to friction with a brush, shock, scratches. But the other types should take note.
- Wallpaper of the "kitchen" vinyl attracted by the fact that they withstand wet cleaning with a brush and even cleaning agents. However, such a “super washable” coating is airtight, which means that beneath it can form a favorable environment for mold. If the kitchen walls were once struck by a fungus, the room is poorly lit, damp in it, pipes often leak or windows sweat, then this option will not work. If you still decide to choose them, then the walls should be pre-treated with an antiseptic primer.
- Compact vinyl wallpaper They are excellent for the kitchen, as they withstand light wet cleaning, are resistant to impacts and scratches, their design does not fade in the sun, the service life is about 10 years. In addition, the price of a compact vinyl coating is not high (compared to hard vinyl), and the choice of designs is very large. But they also have a disadvantage typical of vinyl - the lack of breathability. When choosing such wallpaper, one should, firstly, treat the walls with an antiseptic primer, secondly, often ventilate the room, thirdly - ensure that it is not damp, pipes do not flow, and windows do not mist over.
- Hard vinyl wallpaper - the best choice for the kitchen, if you want to glue wallpaper with a pattern, and not for painting. After all, their properties are almost perfect - they are beautiful, durable, withstand wet cleaning, resistant to UV rays, and most importantly - they have micropores that will allow the walls to "bloom" due to, say, accidental flooding. The only drawback is the high price (from 2000 rubles per roll).

Swedish hard vinyl wallpaper
See the material on the topic: Decorating the walls in the kitchen with vinyl wallpaper - 6 steps from shopping to gluing
Non-woven wallpaper for painting
The term "non-woven wallpaper" always causes confusion among buyers and even some sellers. For example, non-woven wallpaper is often called any non-woven wallpaper (paper or vinyl). And this name stuck to the wallpaper for painting vinyl foam based on non-woven, which we described a little earlier. But, strictly speaking, non-woven, have the right to be called wallpaper for painting, consisting of 100% non-woven.
- Non-woven wallpapers for painting have no relief and are more like paper. And this is paper, only improved by the addition of polymers that bind cellulose.
Why are they needed if they do not have any decoration even in the form of a relief under a simple mat? They help out when the walls want to be painted, but the base is far from ideal or, for example, when cracks are expected to occur due to the shrinkage of the new building.
- It is very easy to glue non-woven wallpapers, but the joints of the canvases can also be noticeable after painting. Are walls painted on smooth non-woven fabric or on a putty wall? Yes, quite a bit, but different due to the translucent texture of non-woven fabric. Water based paints are suitable for painting filizine wallpaper. You can repaint them 4-5 times.
See the material on the topic: Non-woven wallpaper in the kitchen: help for the buyer and step-by-step instructions for sticking
No stronger wallpaper than fiberglass, made from a mixture of quartz sand, soda and lime.
- Glass fiber is more resistant to mechanical damage than vinyl for painting, and, unlike smooth non-woven wallpapers, they have a beautiful relief or pattern. By the way, thanks to its structurality, glass-gooves visually align the walls with small differences. They are not afraid of wet cleaning, fire-resistant, flexible and well conceal base defects. And even glass wall murals can be repainted as much as 10 times, that is, twice as often as wallpaper for painting other types.
And some more useful information. Some glass wall coverings are already colored, but you can still and preferably paint them. Paints should be used water based (acrylic, water dispersion, water-based).
Information for the buyer
- Before paying for the purchase, make sure that all rolls come out of the same batch (the batch number is indicated on the package). Otherwise, in spite of the same article, color and collection, you will receive wallpapers of different colors, which will be very noticeable when gluing canvases on the wall. By the way, the color of wallpaper from different batches is not a marriage, but a technical feature of production.
- Wallpaper should always be bought with a 5-10% margin, which is useful in case of damage to the canvas during pasting or in the future for local repair. If you buy wallpaper with a pattern, do not forget to take into account the rapport (the step of repeating the pattern).
- Keep in mind that it is not necessary to glue wallpaper behind the kitchen set. But it is desirable that the wallpaper went behind the cabinet by 10-15 cm.
- Choosing kitchen wallpaper, read their labeling on the packaging. It is important that they be:
- Light resistant - look for a sign of the sun, and better than the sun with a plus, if the wallpaper is very bright or dark;
- Moisture resistant - look for at least two waves (they say that the wallpaper is washable and can be wiped with a damp cloth), and preferably three waves (super washable, which can be washed with a mild detergent);
- Resistant to friction - a wave with a brush indicates that the wallpaper can be washed and rubbed with a brush.
- When choosing wallpaper glue, be guided by whether it is suitable for your primer and wallpaper of the type you choose.
- Remember that in the bright lighting of the store, the exposed samples look a little lighter than in real conditions on the kitchen wall of an ordinary city apartment.
- When designing the kitchen, you can combine two types of wallpaper (for example, super-washable "kitchen" wallpaper in the cooking area and wallpaper made of solid vinyl in the dining area). This way you can save on materials and reduce the load on more expensive coatings.
- If you like wallpapers that are not very durable, just glue them on one wall, away from the stove. For example, in the dining area. The rest of the walls is best to simply paint the appropriate shade or combine with other wallpaper.
See also: Create a unique design in the kitchen - correctly combine the wallpaper
Photo gallery and design tips
- Wallpaper with a large, dark or bright and / or very colorful pattern is best glued to only one or two walls. Otherwise, the space will be “overloaded” and visually reduced. It is also desirable that the interior of the kitchen with bright wallpaper was decorated neutral.
- Walls small kitchen it is best to simply paint on the wallpaper in a single tone with light paint or decorate with a small, soft and unobtrusive print.

Light wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen

Light wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen
- If the ceiling is low, you can visually “lift” it due to wallpaper in a vertical strip or in a diagonal cell (in a diamond).
- Even an apron can be decorated with wallpaper, albeit in combination with a screen of tempered transparent glass as shown in the photo from the following selection (go through!).
- The pattern and color of the wallpaper should overlap with the apron (see photo-example below), curtains, flooring or other elements of the interior.
- Of course, the wallpaper must be tailored to the style of the kitchen. If her the interior is decorated in a classic style, choose canvas with vertical stripes, with heraldic, traditional floral and floral motifs.
If the kitchen is modern, then suitable wallpaper with geometric patterns, abstractions and stylized floral patterns.
- The most versatile wallpaper prints are cages (vichy and tartan), stripes and rhombuses.
- How to choose the wallpaper in the color of the kitchen - 112 photos and 7 rules
- Liquid wallpaper in the kitchen - 5 questions and answers
- Himself a painter - painting the walls in the kitchen
- Photowall-paper for kitchen - receptions and ideas of registration
- Washable wallpaper for the kitchen - inquire before buying
- Decorative plaster in the kitchen - information for the buyer and a master class on finishing
I am most attracted to vinyl wallpaper. They are reliable, beautiful and easy to maintain. Such wallpaper can even be washed.
I did not even know that there is a liquid wallpaper! And I will soon be making repairs, as I successfully visited your site. A lot of interesting. Flizilinovye liked, too, heard, but had no business with them.