Modern kitchen is often compared with the production site - because of the many harmful microclimatic influences. Aggressive substances, sudden changes in temperature, high humidity - all this significantly limits the choice of finishing material. No less important is the decor - because it is in this room that the whole family gathers for dinner, friendly tea parties are organized and the best traditional pies are baked.
Basics of material selection
The best solution for the kitchen is decorative ceramic tiles. However, before you update an existing finish, it is necessary to choose the right tile - so that:
- Floor and wall surfaces withstand mechanical abrasion and stress, because the kitchen is considered one of the most visited and cleaned places in the house;
- The tile was not destroyed by the blows or accidental dropping of the dishes;
- The coating could withstand the effects of household chemicals, elevated temperatures and increased humidity;
- The floor tile was not slippery;
- The decoration created a pleasant atmosphere.
Tile laying methods
It is believed that ceramic tiles can replace all other finishing materials, if we are talking about facing the kitchen. It can be used instead of plastic, wallpaper, and so on. However, you should not choose the same tile for the entire room without exception - it is better if it will divide the kitchen room into separate zones, distinguishing the cooking area (work area) and the dining room.
The decor, laid out in a peculiar way, will help to create an original design. The most common styling methods are:
- In a staggered manner - due to the use of contrasting combinations, such a design will be the best solution for floor design, besides, this style will fit into almost any interior style from Scandinavian before classics;

- For facing spacious or white kitchen You can safely use bright combinations and different ways of laying. For example: a floor or apron, lined in patchwork style, with bright ethnic patterns or a contrasting pattern.

- Herringbone laying or imitating parquet will allow to qualitatively update the floor without depriving it of its traditional character and attractiveness;

- A tile laid diagonally will make it possible to zone a room perfectly;
- Decorative mosaic will be an exceptional solution for the kitchen - very creative and original. Standard lining can be replaced mosaic on the kitchen apronon the floor and on the walls. You can use a simplified version, that is, a stylized tile, and full-fledged art panels.

Tip: do not forget that the more decorated the floor and the apron, the more restrained should be the design of the kitchen and headset.
See the material on the topic: How to lay tiles on the floor with their own hands.
Apron Design - Key Recommendations
Tiles in this area do not require high mechanical strength, but it must reliably protect the wall from contamination and withstand moisture, chemical components, and high temperatures. Design is of great importance - you can replace only the apron, and the whole kitchen will change. If a quality tile was originally used, which wants to be slightly renewed, then you should use special interior stickers.
You can choose a material with a different pattern (for example, simulating a patchwork, as was shown in the example above), however, in order for the room to keep harmony, you should proceed from the following recommendations:
- Large tiles are laid in spacious rooms, because it visually "eats" the space.
- To create spatial accents used horizontal and vertical friezes with a pattern.
- To update the room, you can use several colors and types of tile sizes in one layout - the main thing is that they match the style and design kitchen set.
- Tile with a pattern can be a real artistic decoration of your kitchen - you can replace the standard material with a highly decorative ready-made panel.
Very often used brick tile for the kitchen, popularly called "Hog". This solution is ideal for vintage interiors or styles. provence and loft. However, do not forget that the volume, textured decor will be difficult to maintain - you will have to scrub the fat from all the grooves.
The tile with the texture of natural stone is also suitable for stylized vintage interiors - the standard material can be replaced with interesting bas-reliefs with a rough design, creating an ethnic “ancient” style.
If you want to perform a creative kitchen design, you can choose a tile, imitating wood or patchwork technique patchwork, material with an original geometric pattern or a pronounced structure.
See more details: How to choose a tile for the apron: 12 nuances and an overview of popular formats
Choosing tiles for the kitchen - color and style
Ceramic tile with a pattern is considered a classic solution - it can imitate wood or metal, decorated with flowers or abstractions. It is rather difficult to choose the decor, because it should look harmonious in the room after installation. If you first study the recommendations for choosing a tile, then you can easily orient yourself in the store, and after laying you will not want to replace it for a long time.
The basic rules for the selection of colors and styles are as follows:
- The design and color of the tiles must be in harmony with the kitchen and worktop. Here you can use 2 approaches - create a contrast or, on the contrary, eliminate all inconsistencies, shading the existing elements with tiles that differ by no more than 2 colors.
- In the kitchen, there must be at least one more element shading the tile, that is, corresponding to it in color. It can be curtains or wall panel. Even if you decide to replace one of these trifles, picking them up under the ceramic cladding, you will see how the whole room will change.
- Universal is considered white apron - this decor is easy to combine with other interior colors, in addition, it is easy to update it using interior stickers;
- Beige is also considered to be neutral - it perfectly complements the tree of the kitchen set and visually expands the space;
- Black tiles are used in contrasting combinations - for example, to create an unusual design in the form of a chessboard, which is presented above;
- Planning to update the room in the oriental style? Then it is better to use blue and green colors;
- A material that imitates wood or stone in brown and gray tones is suitable for classic, vintage and Provence styles;
- The decor with floral design will create a charming comfort of Provence.
The best solution for fusion style is not wood, but brick-like decor. For style high tech It is worth choosing metallic surfaces. By the way, instead of a standard tile, you can also use a mosaic - both in the form of small separate elements, and in the form of a finished panel with a worked pattern glued onto the grid - it is placed on the wall, fixed and covered with seams.
Kitchen Tile for Floor
It is necessary to choose a decor, proceeding from the following recommendations:
- Rough, but not smooth texture is desirable - so that you do not slip, if you accidentally spill liquid. On the other hand, uneven surfaces are harder to clean;
- The floor must be resistant to wear - abrasion indices are not lower than 3-4 strength classes (this coating does not require replacement for a long time);
- The color and texture of the coating should correspond to the chosen stylistic decision;
- It is best if the floor tile repeats the color of the headset, or its lower part;

- The floor and the apron contrasting with each other look spectacular;
- Floor tile can be in the tone of the walls;

- And it may correspond to the color of the apron, if the apron is solid;

- If the apron is bright, then the floor design should be restrained and vice versa;
- Complicated design is not appropriate in small kitchen - in small rooms the floor is laid out in a standard way, straightforward.

It is also possible to combine materials - for example, wood imitation tiles, to combine with patterned borders, creating a luxurious imitation of palace parquet. And in the working area, you can perform a diagonal installation to further delimit the room.
- All about ceramic floor tiles in the kitchen
- Gender is relative: choose flooring for the kitchen
- Kitchen Wallpaper Guide and Design Tips
- Plastic panels in the decoration of the kitchen apron and walls
- Create a unique design in the kitchen - correctly combine the wallpaper
- How to choose an apron for the kitchen - Help for the buyer
Looks cool version of the apron under the brick, made of stoneware tiles or gypsum brick texture, the view is very cozy!