A kitchen apron from a tile has no equal in almost everything: after all, it is both durable and easy to care for; it is not afraid of fire, moisture, alkalis, acids or UV rays, and at the same time can be quite inexpensive. In addition, due to the variety of formats and textures, as well as tile laying methods, the possibilities of apron design become enormous.
- The disadvantages of a tile apron can be attributed only to the presence of seams that complicate cleaning and require updating of grout every 2-5 years, as well as a very troublesome and dirty process of installation and dismantling.
Our guide for the buyer and a selection of 50 interior photos will help you choose the perfect tile for the apron, to determine its format, design and method of installation.
12 nuances of choosing a tile for the apron
1. Not every tile is practical.
The apron from a tile can be very unpretentious, and can, on the contrary, deliver a lot of trouble. First, because of the many seams, and secondly, because of the relief of the tile itself.
- To avoid this, give preference to a smooth tile of medium / large format.
It is also important that the tile be labeled with moisture absorption degree A, and preferably AA. This tile will withstand the attack of any cleaning products.
2. Semi-matt and matte tiles are more scratch-resistant, abrasion and chipping than glossy
Random cuts of the apron with a knife or, say, blows with the handle of the pan when moving it around the stove, as well as cleaning with abrasives, the matte and semi-matte tiles tolerate better than the glossy one. However, the wall tile is not floor, and therefore, this recommendation may be relevant only for those who cook often and actively.
3. It is advisable to choose a tile that is not too dark and not too light.
The white tile is good for everyone, and in itself is very practical, but due to the combination with light grouting, its seams have to be doubly cleaned, and the fugue itself needs to be updated much more often.
- If you are not ready to pay special attention to the seams of a white apron, we recommend either combining white tile with contrasting dark grout (see photo below), or replacing it with light gray or beige.
- If you nevertheless decided on white tile and white grout, try to choose materials so that the tile was slightly darker or coincided in tone with the seams.
What is bad dark apron? Unfortunately, it is very noticeable dust, stains, splashes of grease, stains from the water. Dark glossy apron is especially difficult to care for, as there are fingerprints on it.

The black apron from the glossy tile looks beautiful, but, unfortunately, even the smallest specks of dust and fingerprints are very noticeable on it.
4. Buy a tile with a margin of 10-15%
Having calculated the required number of tiles for the apron of your parameters, be sure to add to this number 10-15%. This reserve will compensate for losses in the event of a battle, marriage, unsuccessful trimming, and will also allow the apron to be repaired locally in the future.
- Of course, before going to the store you need to know the dimensions of the future apron.Most often, its height is 60 cm, but if the owner / hostess of the kitchen has a small height, it is more convenient to make the apron as low — from 48 cm. At the same time, note that the tile should fit a couple of centimeters under the wall and floor cabinets. Also, do not forget to count the tiles to protect the area behind the hood.
5. In order for the apron to have a minimum of cut tiles, buy that tile whose size is a multiple of the size of the apron
So, for example, for an apron with a standard height of 60 cm and a length of, say, 240 cm, tiles of 10 × 10 cm, 20 × 30 cm, 15 × 30 cm, etc. will be ideal. Also, when choosing a tile format and planning layouts, consider the location of the outlets. Ideally, they should be in the middle of the tile, in the center of the seam or at the intersection of the seams.
- To choose the most successful format, do not rush to buy material on the first trip to the store. It is best to proceed as follows: first write down in your notebook all the options you like, indicating the articles, the names of the collection, the manufacturer and, most importantly, the sizes, then slowly at home work through several styling schemes with your chosen favorites. Ideally, you should use the service designer shop.
6. Buy tiles from one batch and one tone only.
The fact is that due to the characteristics of the production of ceramics, the same tile (that is, the same article, tone, collection and manufacturer), but released in different batches, is always a little different in shade. The difference between "multi-party" samples may seem quite insignificant, but in the decoration of the finished apron will be very noticeable.
- Whether you buy tiles on the market or order delivery from an online store, always check not only the ceramics for the same batch, but also the matching in tone (it can be indicated by a numeric or alphabetic code).
7. Tiles must match the style and color of the interior.
For kitchens in classic or country style suitable tiles in the style of majolica or ceramics cotto, tile under the stone, metlahskaya tile, as well as square small-format tile, for example, 10 × 10 cm.

Apron from a square tile with a frieze in style Provence

Square tile under the majolica in the interior of a classic kitchen
For modern interior it is better to choose a large-format tile imitating stone, wood, leather, metal, or other interesting texture. A monochromatic mosaic, tile for brick, black and white tile, with a geometric pattern or a non-standard format, for example, elongated 10 × 30 cm, is perfect.
As for the choice of color and pattern of the apron, there are no strict rules. The main thing is that its design echoes the rest of the interior. For example, it can be a tabletop, walls, facades of the headset or floor (especially if it is tiled). Also, an apron can be made to match the curtains, wall decor and accessories.

Fragments of this apron in the style of patchwork echoes the pattern of wallpaper

Blue kitchen apron support blue accessories
And one more nuance. The brighter and more colorful the apron, the more neutral the interior should be. And, on the contrary, it is safer to supplement the kitchen filled with color, textures and prints with a quiet apron.
8. Tile format "hog" ("subway") - the most versatile solution
Among all the varieties of wall tiles, there is one safe and universal format that fits even into the most conservative or most cutting-edge interiors - this is the “pig” tile (the second common name is “metro”).
- Glossy monophonic surface, rectangular shape in size from 7 × 12 cm to 10 × 25 cm and beveled edge - this is the formula of the classic “pig”, which never goes out of fashion.

Strictly speaking, the tile "hog" and "subway" - this is not exactly the same thing. The format "subway" has a size of 7.5 × 15 cm and is executed in white. It is this tile that revets the walls of the Paris Metro, which gave the name to the popular tile.

Beige "hog" in the interior of a classic kitchen

Kabanchik in the modern interior of the kitchen
Most often, the hog tiles are laid out with an offset (on the principle of brickwork), but any other schemes can be applied, for example, a Christmas tree display, a seam in a seam or a run-up.
Pig hog laying in the seam
You can also "play" with the color of the grout.
For details, see the material: Apron from the tile "hog" in the interior of the kitchen - from the choice of design to the installation of their own hands
9. If you can't find a tile of the right size or design, look for it in the floor tile department.
Floor tiles very durable and resistant to abrasion, so great for finishing the apron. But the wall tiles for facing the floor is not suitable, because it does not withstand heavy loads.
- By the way, the floor finish is indicated by a foot icon, and a wall one - in the form of a palm.
10. Grout should be, firstly, waterproof, and secondly - suitable for color
The trowel mix for a kitchen apron tile must be waterproof, stain resistant and anti-fungal. Also to protect the tile joints from grease and dirt will help a special impregnation, filling the pores of the grout. For example, it may be Atlas Dolphin or Ceresit ST 10.
11. Choose a styling pattern that will correct room imperfections.
If your kitchen is small, lining the apron with rectangular tiles and lay their seam in the seam, with an offset, diagonally or herringbone. Another option is a horizontal striped apron. This design will help to visually expand the space.

Laying square tiles diagonally
Also, a small kitchen can be visually increased by giving the space depth when the apron seems to be in a niche. To create such an effect, it must be darker than the facades of the headset and walls.
White glossy apron will make the cluttered cramped space more spacious and airy, and add light to the dark kitchen.

Apron of white glossy tiles in the interior of a small kitchen
What kind of tile is not suitable if the kitchen is small? Try to avoid too colorful designs, if the interior is already filled with bright and self-contained details, otherwise the space will become overloaded and seemingly cluttered.
If the kitchen has a low ceiling, in the design of the apron is to create more vertical lines. This can be done due to the vertical orientation of the same “Christmas tree” and other layouts, as well as with the help of vertical striped tiles such as, for example, in this photo example.
12. If the desired tile does not fit into the budget, combine expensive material with more budget
Inserts of expensive ceramic tiles, or, say, mosaics ennoble ordinary tiles, but do not afford much. In addition, this combination can look very stylish.

Tiles in combination with tiles in the decoration of the kitchen apron
You can also save on the material and create a unique design of the apron, you can buy and combine the tiles that are on the remnants.
Format Overview
And now let's look at the most popular types of ceramic tiles for the apron.
Tile 10 × 10
This classic tile format is appropriate in any interior, and it is also easiest to lay. In addition, it is in this category that the largest selection of designs is presented.
- Particularly relevant is a 10 × 10 tile in case you want to save and to make an apron with your own hands.
- A contrast grout will help to make an apron out of simple square tiles more stylish.
- The most fashionable tile size 10 × 10 cm - in the style of majolica, which allows you to arrange the apron in the style of patchwork as in this collection of photos.

Kitchen apron in patchwork style
- Often, ordinary square tiles are decorated with so-called tile-decor.

Tile apron with decor
Kabanchik (subway)
We have already described this format before, and now we offer to look at the photo examples.
The mosaic is good because it seems more “tame” and elegant, besides it is durable (due to the small size of the chips) and allows you to trim curved surfaces.However, it costs twice as much as ordinary tile and requires a doubly greater consumption of grout. And, of course, due to the small size of the chips, the mosaic apron has more seams that complicate maintenance.
- Colorful mosaic drawing is appropriate only if the kitchen is decorated neutral. If the interior is already filled with bright colors, patterns and prints, then it is safer to choose a single-color mosaic.
- If the budget allows, choose for grouting mosaics not the usual grout, and epoxy. Yes, it costs more and requires more laborious work, but much more durable, more beautiful and more practical.
For details, see the material: All about kitchen mosaic apron and more
Metlahskaya tile
Metlahskaya tile, strictly speaking, not ceramic, but rather ceramo porcelain. It is much stronger and more durable than ordinary ceramics, more expensive and diverse in shape and color.
- Hexagons, octagons, circles and squares of different colors and patterns make the apron look like a carpet or a skillful panel.
- Most of all metlahskaya tile is appropriate in classic interiors.
- Laying tiles must master tile skilled highly skilled.
- It can be replaced by imitation as, for example, in this interior.
Majolica (tiles, azulezhu)
Majolica is the same pottery, but its glaze is painted by hand and only then it is burned at high temperature. As a result, the color of the tile is bright, and the pattern is clear. As a rule, majolica tiles are always square.
- Most of all majolica is relevant in classical and ethnic (especially "Mediterranean") Interiors.
- These tiles are expensive, so they are often replaced with imitations of ordinary ceramics, or only a small area is folded from it, for example, the area behind the slab.
- How to choose an apron for the kitchen - Help for the buyer
- All about grouting for tiles - ranking the best manufacturers and a 4-step optional guide
- The correct size of the apron is the secret of a comfortable kitchen.
- Plastic apron - information for customers
- All about glass aprons for the kitchen - from skins to Plexiglas
- MDF wall panels in the apron and kitchen walls
- Guide to the selection of false panels for the kitchen and installation instructions