In this material we presented 6 step-by-step master classes for beginners, following which you can make flowers with ribbons for making / decorating with your own hands:
- Artificial flowers (interior);
- Wall panels;
- Topiary;
- Decorative and wedding bouquets;
- Jewelry (rings, brooches, necklaces, bracelets);
- Hair accessories (headbands, headbands, hairpins, rubber bands);
- Boutonniere;
- Gift wrapping;
- Decorative pillows;
- Caskets for jewelry and other trifles;
- Albums and notebooks;
- Applications for clothes, bags and shoes;
- ... and much more! In this selection of photos only a small part of the handicrafts are presented, which you can make by mastering various techniques of making flowers from ribbons:
In addition to step-by-step instructions, you will find 30 photo ideas for inspiration, as well as a useful selection of videos.
Master class 1. Twisted rose from a single ribbon
Let's start, perhaps, with the easiest and fairly fast way to make roses from ribbons with your own hands. Having mastered the technique of twisting roses from a ribbon, you can make them sitting in front of the TV. Depending on the width and length of the tape used, you can twist both small and luxuriant buds. You can use the tape from any material - organza, satin, cotton and even strips of linen fabric.
What you need:
- Any tape - the longer and wider it will be, the larger the bud will turn out. A 2.5 cm wide ribbon is enough for a medium sized rose.
- Thread with a needle or hot glue gun.
- Scissors.
How to twist a rose from a ribbon:
Step 1. Straighten and place the tape in front of you, then fold one of the ends of the tape (any) along the oblique, as shown in fig. one.
Step 2. Wrap the tip of the ribbon in a roll in two or three turns to get the core of the rose, fix its bottom part with glue or just sew it (see. Fig. 2).
Step 3. Now we begin to form rose petals. To do this, bend the ribbon along the oblique to the outer side (see Fig. 3) and wrap the core of the rose with it, holding (and, if desired, fixing with thread / glue) the entire blank from below (see Fig. 4).
Step 4. Then continue to “grow” the layers of “petals” according to the scheme: bend the tape to the outside - wrap the bud - bend the tape to the outside - wrap the bud, etc. (see fig. 5). Periodically fix the tape layers at the base of the bud with glue or thread with a needle. Remember that the most important thing is not to let the ribbon bloom.
- Experienced decorators can twist a rose, fixing tape layers a couple of times (at the beginning and at the end), but for beginners it is easier to sew / glue the “petals” of the rose much more often.
- It is more convenient to twist the rose holding the base of the bud between the index and middle finger, so that the flower seems to be lying in your palm.
Step 5. When the rose reaches the desired size, press the end of the ribbon to the base and tie up / glue it (fig. 6).
- Practice twisting roses from ribbons of different widths and lengths, experiment with ribbon bending angle, number of bends per layer or density of twisting to achieve the effect that you like best. For example, a rose twisted from a ribbon can be very multi-layered or, on the contrary, softer, have sharper corners or, on the contrary, rounded.
If you have any questions, we suggest watching the video how to make a flower from a satin ribbon with your own hands in this technique.
Master class 2. Realistic ribbon flowers (peonies, roses or ranunculus)
Now we offer to get acquainted with the technique, following which, you can achieve the most realistic and elegant look of the petals, which is only possible for flowers made with your own hands. Take a look at this selection of photos and see for yourself.
With all the beauty and seeming complexity, even a beginner can make such flowers from ribbons with their own hands.
You will need:
- Candle or lighter.
- 5 cm wide ribbon (for medium pion) made from 100% polyester (this can be either artificial silk / satin or organza). Keep in mind that tapes from natural materials will not work. If you want to make a large and lush peony, then you can use either more petals and / or a tape 7-8 cm wide.
- Scissors.
- Needle and thread in tone tape.
How to make a peony with your own hands:
Step 1. Cut the ribbon into squares in the following sizes and number:
- 5 × 7 cm (6-10 pieces);
- 4 × 6 cm (6-10 pieces);
- 3 × 5 cm (6-10 pieces);
- 2 × 4 cm (6-10 pieces).
As a result, you should have a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 40 squares. The more petals you make, the more luxuriant and bigger the bud will be.
Step 2. Now arrange the groups of squares in piles. Then cut the petals from each pile (the form is shown in the figure below). Keep in mind that accuracy is not important here, everything can be done by eye, without measurements and without the use of templates. The main thing is that you get petals of different sizes: very large - large - medium - small.
Step 3. It is time for the most interesting - giving shape and volume to our petals. To do this, light a candle or a lighter and, holding the edges of the petal at a distance of about 2 cm from the fire, melt them (but do not set fire on them!). Rotate the petal smoothly, but quickly. So you need to process all your blanks.
- If you want the petal to become more rounded, hold it over the fire a little longer, but do not reduce the distance from the fire. However, sometimes a little blackened by fire petals look quite organic.
Step 4. Take one of the smallest petals, fold it into a roll and make a couple of stitches in its lower part for fixation. You got the heart of your flower.
Step 5. Attach the second small petal and fasten it with the same pair of stitches. Continue to fasten the petals one by one, adhering to chess order. When you are done with small petals, proceed to attach the middle petals, then the larger ones and, finally, the largest ones.

Flowers of ribbons of two colors

Flowers from ribbons of one color
Well, that's it, the peony is ready!
By the same principle, but by changing the number, shape, size and color of the petals, as well as adding stamens from beads or floss threads, you can create roses, tulips, poppies or ranunculus.

Following our master class, you can make flowers not only from satin ribbons, but also from organza. What is not a reason to put in the case of old ribbons for children's bows?
See also the material: How to make flowers from fabric - 4 workshops for beginners.
Master class 3. Simple flowers from ribbons in 5 minutes
If you need to make flowers from ribbons with your own hands as quickly as possible, for example, to pack a gift, then this step-by-step instruction will help you out.

Satin Ribbon Flower
What you need:
- Any tape;
- Beads;
- Scissors;
- Hot glue gun.
How to make a flower out of ribbon:
Step 1. Cut a small circle with a diameter of about 5 cm from cardboard or thick paper. This circle will become the base of your flower and will be hidden under the petals, so it is not necessary to cut it neatly.
Step 2. Begin to glue the tape on the upper edge of the circle, forming a pleating, as shown in the photo below.
Step 3. Continue to glue the tape in 3 or more layers. When you get to the center, cut off the excess tape, twist the tip of it and gently glue it.
Step 4. Put a big drop of hot glue in the center of the flower and quickly fill it with beads.
Master Class 4. A small textured flower of the tape-wave
If you want to decorate a flower ring, bezel, brooch or necklace, then a rose made of braid-wave will suit best. After all, it turns out so neat, strong, graceful and small.
What you need:
- Braid-wave of medium width and 50-60 cm long (for one rose) or two ribbons of different colors of the same width 25-30 cm long (if you want to make a two-colored rose). However, the length may be more or less, it depends on what size you want to make a bud.
- Scissors.
- Sewing machine.
- Threads with a needle in the tone tape.
Step 1. Take two tapes-waves of the same length and intertwine them as shown in the photo. Before starting to weave, fasten the two ribbons with a clip so that they do not dissolve.
Step 2. Stitch the edge of your workpiece to fix the weave.
If you do not have a car - it does not matter. Just go through large stitches along the entire length of the braid.
Step 3. To make a flower, just start folding the ribbon from one end, in some places fix the layers with hot glue.
Step 4. When you're done, you should have about a bud like this. The remaining tip of the braid just tuck under the flower and fix with glue.
Step 5. Glue a small circle of felt, cardboard or thick fabric to the base. In the future, to this base, you can glue anything you want - from hairpins to the ring.
Step 6. Have you noticed that all the petals of our flower are closed? As such, it looks more like a peony or a ranunculus. If you want the flower to become a rose, simply spread each petal outwards one by one.
Master class 5. Poinsettia with leaves
It is time to tell you how to make poinsettia ribbons with which you can decorate anything you like, for example, an autumn wreath like in the photo below.
What you need:
- Tape 4-6 cm wide red, cream or any other desired shade;
- Tape of green color (for leaves) 2-3 cm wide;
- Scissors;
- Needle with thread in tone of ribbon for petals or thin copper wire (jewelry);
- Beads;
- Hot glue.
How to make a poinset from tapes:
Step 1. Cut three lengths of equal length from tape. How long should the segments be? It depends on what size flower you need. If you want to make a flower with a diameter of 12 cm, then the segments should be exactly that length.
Step 2. Give the resulting rectangles a rhombus shape. This can be done in the following way: stack the segments into pieces, fold the stack in half, then give the resulting square the shape of a triangle, cutting off the excess on the sides. Voila, turned out diamonds!
Step 3. Squeeze each diamond in the middle and tie the folds with a thread (you can make a couple of stitches) or jewelry wire.
Step 4. Fold all three blanks next to each other, then tie them with a thread or jewelry wire to make a flower. If necessary, correct the petals.
Step 5. In the center of the flower, glue a few stamens.
Step 6. Now let's do the leaves. Cut two lengths of 6-9 cm from the green ribbon (the length of the segments should be about three times the width of your green ribbon). Place one of the rectangles on the table with the wrong side up. Bend its right side down along the oblique so that the billet becomes L-shaped (see photo).Now fold your letter G in half to get a house-shaped billet with a roof. Scoop the bottom of the house with a pair of stitches or glue.
Step 7. Now the leaves can be glued / sewn to the back of the poinsettia, to the felt round base (if there is one) or directly to the object of the decor (rim, pad, etc.).
Master class 6. Flower of lace ribbon
And finally, we present another express method of making a simple, but beautiful flower with your own hands. The principle of operation in this technique is similar to that described in MK No. 3, but instead of glue for fixing crafts, a thread with a needle is used here, and instead of a satin ribbon, it is lace. However, you can use any other. Beautiful lace brooches and hairpins are made from lace flowers.
What you need:
- Lace ribbon;
- Scissors;
- Needle and thread to match the ribbon;
- Beads;
- Hot glue.
How to make a flower out of lace:
Step 1. Stitch the ribbon along the bottom edge with wide stitches.
Step 2. As soon as you finish sewing, remove the ribbon by pulling the thread and connect the two ends so that the circle closes and the first layer of petals is formed.
Step 3. Glue in the center on the wrong side of the flower a small circle of felt or other fabric. Sew the necessary accessories to it, for example, a pin to make a brooch.
Step 4. Glue in the center of the beads, rhinestones stones or other decor.
If you want to continue your acquaintance with the art of making flowers from ribbons with your own hands, then we offer to view the following step-by-step video instructions.
From this video, you will learn how to make kanzashi flowers from a 2.5 cm ribbon.
This video shows a method of making roses from satin ribbons, different from our master class number 1.
Here is another master class on making roses in the style of shebby chic.
- DIY paper flowers - 4 workshops for beginners
- 5 ideas and workshops on making handicrafts from napkins
- How to make a topiary with your own hands - 4 instructions for beginners and not only
- Topiary made from cones, acorns and chestnuts - photo-ideas and 2 master classes
- How to make a coffee topiary
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