Coffee Topiary can be a wonderful gift, decoration of the dining table or home interior. After all, it is so fragrant, beautiful, eco-friendly and very simple to make. In this material you will find a basic workshop on making topiary from coffee with your own hands for beginners and 50 photo ideas for inspiration.
10 ideas
Idea. 1. Classic Topiary
Classic topiary made of coffee is round, without any special adornments, made up only of natural materials and in neutral colors. This tree looks simple, but perhaps more elegant than others. At the end of the article you will find a step-by-step master class for the manufacture of just this kind of topiary.
Idea 2. Flower tree
A coffee tree with flowers blossoming on it is a great idea for a women's gift, for example, on March 8 or, say, Teacher's Day. And it looks good in a bedroom or living room.
See also the material: DIY paper flowers - 4 workshops for beginners.
Idea 3. Fruit Tree
If you decorate the topiary of coffee with dried citrus slices or decorative mini-fruits, you get an accessory for summer serving. However, in the cold season it will be appropriate in the interior of the kitchen or dining room.
By the way, the coffee ball itself can turn into an appetizing fruit as in the photo below.
Idea 4. A tree with butterflies and birds
Another spring-summer topiary idea from coffee is a tree with butterflies, dragonflies or birds sitting on it.
Idea 5. Christmas tree
A coffee tree in the shape of a Christmas tree is the perfect decoration for holiday table or New Year's home decoration. You can buy a blank or do it yourself by folding thick paper into a cone and cutting off the excess.
Idea 6. Topiary "Money Tree"
A money tree made of coffee can be a great male gift. It is done in the same way as an ordinary topiary, the only difference is that first the coins are glued to the ball, then they are turned around with an open zipper and only then the ball is covered with coffee grains.
Idea 7. Coffee Valentine
Heart shaped topiary is a great gift for Valentine's Day and not only. You can buy a heart base as a finished product at a florist shop or make it yourself from scrap materials.
How to make topiary from coffee in the form of a heart with your own hands can be found in the following video.
Idea 8. “Floating Cup”
Such a topiary is often called a "cup-pouring" or "flying cup." Despite the apparent complexity, it is very simple. For the manufacture of the base of the cup-prolivashki used wire and hot glue or foam. After watching the following video tutorial, you will learn and clearly see how to make such a topiary yourself.
Idea 9. Double or triple topiary
Double and triple topiary require more effort, but the result is more impressive. The crowns can branch out from one stem or immediately “grow” from three trunks of different height and thickness.
Idea 10. Decorative balls
Strictly speaking, such a decoration cannot be called a topiary, because it has no trunk and is not at all like a tree. And yet, it looks no less beautiful, especially in combination with balls of beans, lentils and pumpkin seeds. A composition of balls looks beautiful on a large platter or in a glass transparent vase, and you can decorate it with not only a dining table, but also a coffee table, a console in the hallway or a shelving in the living room. In the next photo slider, you can learn ideas for combining balls of beans and coffee beans.
Master class for beginners
Most species of topiary are made on the same principle. Having mastered our basic instructions, you can create topiary to your taste.
Materials and tools:
- To create a crown:
- Coffee beans of one grade or several (200-300 g, depending on the size of the ball).
- Balloon base of foam (sold in stores for creativity), floral foam (can be found in the florist shop) or plastic (ball for a children's dry pool) with a diameter of about 8-12 cm. If you prefer, instead of a ball you can use a blank in the form of a heart or any other figure.
- Decor (optional): cinnamon sticks, dried citrus slices, clove stars, artificial flowers, satin ribbons, beads, etc.
- Brown acrylic paint or a piece of brown matter that can wrap the ball.
- For the trunk:
- Twig, pencil or stick. You can determine the desired length using a simple formula: pot height + 1/3 of the ball's diameter + desired distance from the base to the crown.
- Decor (if necessary): paint, twine, satin ribbon or other materials that can be wrapped or painted trunk.
- For the base:
- Pot, cup or any other nice container;
- Mounting mix: cement, plaster or alabaster. We recommend using alabaster, as it is easy to dilute, it is available, and most importantly, it dries quickly and does not crack.
- Materials for decoration and filling the pot. It can be the same coffee beans, small pebbles, and even better - dry moss.
- Auxiliary tools and materials:
- Hot glue gun and about three rods of glue or transparent Titan mounting glue.
- Scissors.
- Brush
Step 1. First you need to do the preparation of the ball. Paint it brown and leave to dry. At the same stage you can paint the trunk and / or the pot.
Step 2. While the paint is drying, sort the grains. This stage is optional, but desirable if you want the crown to be neat and uniform. To start, remove the broken and cracked grains. The rest are divided into 4 groups:
- Beautiful grains of the same size - they will be on the most visible part of the topiary, that is, on its top.
- Round - for the decoration of the crown it is better not to use them, since on the ball they will be higher than the main mass. If desired, they can be used for decorating the pot.
- Whole, but not very beautiful - they are best used for finishing the bottom of the crown.
- Small - it is good to close small intervals between grains with them.
Step 3. Now that the ball is completely dry, you can cut a hole in it for the barrel. To do this, first attach the barrel to the ball and circle its contour, then cut a hole 2-3 cm deep in it.
Step 4. Getting to the design of the crown. You can use one of two techniques:
- Technique 1. Grains are glued individually and most often on the principle of honeycombs. You can also glue them up and / or down, vertically, horizontally or on the edge, alternate light and dark beans, if necessary, insert small / large grains or halves into the gaps. Do not forget that the most beautiful grains need to be glued on the upper half of the ball. Below is a selection of photos of coffee topiary, the grains of which are packed in different ways (scroll through!).
- Technique 2. To use this technique, it is better to use not hot glue, but the mounting transparent glue “Titan”.Straight out of the tube, squeeze a little glue onto the ball and let it be distributed in a small area (eg, 5 × 5 cm). Then we sprinkle this sector with a handful of grains and begin to distribute and level the grains with the fingers over the ball. To prevent excess coffee from falling to the floor, place a container under your hands. Glue "Titan" in contrast to the hot glue will allow you to move and compact the grain on the ball, not afraid to burn yourself. And besides, it gives more time for correction. Therefore, using it, you can not stick the grain one by one, and sprinkle the ball with whole handfuls of coffee, which greatly speeds up the process. True, the grain in this case will be stacked randomly, and not in a certain order.
Whatever technique you choose, when the ball is almost completely covered with grains, leave a small area around the hole unformed. We will modify it later when the trunk is installed.
Step 5. If you want to not just paint the trunk, but decorate it with a string or satin ribbon, now is the time to do it.
- To wrap the trunk with a satin ribbon, you first need to wrap it in double-sided tape, without reaching the edges about 3 cm.
- Twine can be fixed in the same way using double-sided tape or hot glue / glue "Titan".

Decor trunk twine
Step 6. Insert the barrel into the ball and fix it with hot glue. Keep in mind that the glue quickly melts the foam, so that the hole does not get too deep, insert the small pieces of paper into the hole along with the glue. Remember that the barrel should enter the ball approximately 1/3 of its diameter.
Step 7. Now it is possible to glue the grains in the area around the trunk. If desired, in order that the crown of the coffee tree does not have any gaps at all, you can glue the second layer of grains onto the ball. Often a two-layer crown is covered first with grains grooves down (poor quality grains can be used) and then grooves up.
Step 8. Hooray, coffee topiary is almost ready! It remains only to "plant" a tree in a pot. To do this, first make sure that there is no drain hole in the pot. If there is a hole, fill it with hot glue. Next, dilute the cement or alabaster and immediately fill the container with the mixture, not reaching the edges by 2-3 cm. Insert the tree in the center of the pot and hold for a few minutes until the mixture hardens. Then leave the topiary for 12-24 hours, that is, until the “soil” is dry.
- As already noted, a mixture of alabaster is best for the manufacture of topiary. It is diluted as follows: water is poured into the pot, not reaching 2-3 cm to the edge, then the water is poured into a bowl, then alabaster is gradually poured into the water. The mixture should be continuously stirred until then, until you get the consistency of thick cream.
Step 9. When the base of the topiary is dry, proceed to decorate it. Alabaster can be made with the same coffee as in our master class, covered with dry moss, sisal, filled with pebbles, glass pebbles or beans. And finally, add the final touch - a satin ribbon bow.
We also offer to watch a video workshop on topiariya production from a plastic ball for a dry pool.
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