Do you have a free evening and some scraps of satin, chiffon, flax, jeans or organza? We offer to learn how to make flowers from the fabric with your own hands! Following our master classes, you will master the art of flower making, which will give you the opportunity to independently:
- Beautifully pack presents;
- Update interior items, for example, lampshades, curtains or pillow covers;
- Transform clothes, bags, shoes;
- Make accessories for interior decoration, such as artificial flowers, wall panelswreaths topiary;
- To make jewelry for hair (hairpins, headbands, etc.);
- Make jewelry: brooches, rings, earrings, necklaces;
- Decorate the table setting and arrange any holidays, such as birthdays and even weddings;
- Make presents for teachers and caregivers of the child;
- Make exclusive gifts for loved ones;
- To design diaries, covers, albums and notebooks.
In addition to step-by-step instructions for beginners, here you will find a selection of photos for inspiration, as well as useful videos.
Master class 1. Simple country-style fabric roses
If you like country style decor, provence, shebik chic or rustic, this master class is for you. Below are examples of work that you can do, having mastered the technique of twisting roses from fabric.
You will need:
- The cloth;
- Scissors;
- Hot glue gun.
How to make a fabric rose:
Step 1. Cut the fabric into ribbons. To create one rose, you will need one strip 50–70 cm long and about 3-5 cm wide. However, you can choose other sizes if you want to make a rose larger or smaller than in this project.
Step 2. Fold your strip in half and put a 1.5-centimeter path of glue on its tip (see the right photo above).
Step 3. Start folding the strip into roll in a few turns.
Step 4. When the roll becomes sufficiently dense and strong, proceed with the formation of the first “petals”: fold the ribbon along the oblique to the outer side as shown in the upper photo on the right and wrap the center of the rose.
Step 5. Continue to form the petals in the same order: fold the ribbon on the oblique to the outer side - wrap the blank - fold the ribbon on the oblique to the outer side - wrap the blank - etc. On one row of petals should be about 3-5 bends tape. From time to time, the layers of fabric must be fixed with hot glue. As a result, you should get a rose about as in these photos.

Experiment with the number of bends of the flower and the density of the folding fabric to achieve a more casual or, on the contrary, more accurate look of your flower
Step 6. As soon as the rose reaches the desired diameter, lower the remaining tail of the ribbon down and glue it to the base.
Step 7. Next, you can glue to the back of the flower a round base, cut from the same fabric, and preferably from felt.

In this project, the reverse side of crafts closed the remaining tail fabric
Step 8. Make the number of colors you need in different sizes - small, medium and large.
This video presents a master class on how to make roses from denim with your own hands.
Master class 2. Artificial flowers made from satin fabric or organza
Looking at these flowers from satin fabric, it seems that they were created by a true master of flower making, but in fact, even a beginner can make the same realistic peonies / roses.
You will need:
- Candle;
- Satin, silk, chiffon or organza made from 100% polyester. For the manufacture of peonies suitable matter of white and pink (all shades);
- Scissors;
- Thread floss yellow (for stamens);
- Needle.
Step 1. Cut 5 circles out of the fabric: 4 circles of diameters of 8-10 cm and 1 circle with a diameter of about 5-8 cm. You can cut out roughly and by eye, any inaccuracies and irregularities do not matter.
Step 2. Light a candle and proceed to the processing of the first round billet: carefully bring its edge close to the flame and begin to rotate around its axis so that all the edges of the circle are melted and twisted. Use caution, keep a glass of water ready, and most importantly, do not hold the blank too close to the fire. Keep in mind that if you overdo it, the edges will turn black, which is not always desirable. However, sometimes it is the blackened edges that give homemade colors realistic or original. Repeat this process with all remaining circles.
Step 3. Now, using scissors, make 4 cuts on each blank as shown in the diagram and the photo below. The main thing here is to leave the center of the circle whole.
Step 4. Back to work with a candle again. This time we will melt the newly cut sections, pushing the sections to the sides with both hands. Repeat the procedure with all five petals.
Step 5. Set aside 2 large and 1 smallest blanks to the side. We will return to them, but for now let's deal with the 2 remaining blanks, that is, the middle layers of peony petals. They need to be cut again according to the following scheme.
As a result, the petals get twice as much.
Step 6. Scorch a candle with new places cut and put the workpiece to the side.
Step 7. It is time to make the peony stamens in the form of a small pom-pom from the yellow floss threads. For this:
- Wind a whole string of floss tightly around the folded index and middle fingers. You should have about 8 turns.
- Now tie the middle thread of the resulting skein (between two fingers) tightly with the same yellow thread.
- Cut the two loops, straighten the threads and, if necessary, trim the pom-pom.
Step 8. We proceed to the "assembly" of the flower. Fold two large blanks on each other, which have only 4 petals, then put on them two blanks with 8 petals and, finally, add a bud with the smallest billet with 4 petals.
Step 9. Hurray, the flower is almost ready! It remains only to sew a yellow pompon to its center, simultaneously sewing together all 5 layers of petals.
If desired, glue / sew to the back of the bud the necessary accessories, such as a pin, to make a brooch from a flower.
By changing the shape, color, size of petals, their number and the principle of gluing, you can make not only peonies and roses, but also poppies (in the photo), ranunculus, lilies and tulips.

Fabric poppy
And here is an example of the colors made by their organza.

Organza Flowers
Master class 3. Flower of frills in 5 minutes
You do not have a thermal glue, but there is a needle with a thread? Or did you suddenly need to make flowers from fabric as quickly as possible? Then we hasten to introduce you to the technique of making flowers from frills.
You will need:
- The cloth;
- Scissors;
- Needle and thread to match the fabric;
- Iron (optional).
Step 1. Cut the fabric into strips about 30 cm long and about 7-8 cm wide. You can choose other sizes to make flowers smaller or larger.
Step 2. Fold the strip along in half and iron the fold.
Step 3. Sweep the workpiece wide stitches at the bottom as shown in the photo below.
Step 4. Assemble the blank into an accordion, slowly pulling the thread. Do not pull the thread too hard so as not to tear it.
Step 5. Close the circle by joining the two ends of the ribbon and making several stitches (tie the knot on the back).
Step 6. Glue / sew beads, rhinestones or buttons in the center of the flower. Done!
This method can be slightly modified if you want to make a more multi-layered flower with raw cuts, for example, from flax or jeans. Cut a wide and long strip of fabric, sweep it in the middle from beginning to end, gather it into an accordion, fold one edge of the strip into a roll, and then start folding the ribbon around it. Periodically, the layers of fabric must be fixed with glue or stitches. Below in the photo slider a master class is presented in pictures on making a flower from flax (scroll through the photo to the right).

Denim flowers cushions
If you have a fabric of great length, then you can make a flower of large diameter, for example, to decorate a cushion cover. To prisborit such a long tape, the easiest way to use a sewing machine.

To make such large flowers, you will need stripes of length 2.5-3 m

These potted flowers are made from old cotton t-shirts.
Master class 4. Volumetric pompon flower
This master class is good in those cases when it is necessary that the flower made of fabric is voluminous and lush.
You will need:
- Any soft fabric of the desired color;
- Hot glue gun;
- Scissors;
- Felt.
Step 1. Cut out about 20-30 circles with a diameter of about 4 cm from the fabric. All these circles will later become petals. Cutting blanks can be on the eye, the correct form does not matter.
- To cut several circles at once, simply fold the fabric 3-4 times.
Step 2. Now cut out of felt a circle with a diameter of about 4 cm. This circle will be the base of your flower.
Step 3. Take one of your petal circles, and fold it to make a bag like the photo below.
Step 4. Glue your workpiece tip to the center of the felt base.
Step 5. Continue to glue your blanks one by one to the felt base until it is completely covered with petals. Voila! The flower is ready!
If you wish, you can make the flower not lush, but flat and add it with bead stamens. To do this, the petals need to be folded as follows: bend the circle in half, then bend the right and left sides of the resulting semicircle to its center, so that a quarter is obtained. Then you will only need to glue the petals in a circle on a felt base, and then sew / glue the beads to the center.
Sticking two such flowers together, you will get a round and very lush pompon flower that can be used not only as an appliqué, but also hung and even “planted” on the stems as shown in the photo below.
And a few more ideas that you can translate by following our master class.
And finally, we offer to see another video workshop on how to make flowers from cloth with your own hands.
- DIY paper flowers - 4 workshops for beginners
- Flowers from ribbons do it yourself - 6 workshops for beginners
- 5 ideas and workshops on making handicrafts from napkins
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- How to make a coffee topiary
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