Lighting in the kitchen using not only chandeliers, but also sconces, looks much better, since in such a combination the light is distributed softly and evenly. Properly arrange the light sources and combine the central ceiling with local lighting - the whole art. Designers are able to “play with the light”, given its direction, power, color, brightness of the lamps, and the design of the lamps and lamp shades themselves. What are the basic rules of "games with light" you need to know if you are yourself a designer?
Where can I need to hang bra?
- For separating the space of a kitchen, studio apartment or kitchen living room - light accents can separate the dining area / rest area from the working / kitchen area. In the photo below you can see how eating, resting and cooking places are zoned in the interior of the kitchen-living room with the help of wall sconces and chandeliers over the table, sconces over the sofa and hanging lamps above the bar counter;
- On a large area, local lamps are necessary not only to highlight the dining area, but also to create a comfortable and uniform lighting. In this case, the sconce can be hung along the wall at an equal height;
- In the dining room or kitchen-dining room one chandelier is also lacking. In addition, the sconces in this case highlight the paintings, cupboards and adds symmetry to the space;
- If the kitchen with low ceilingsthen instead of a chandelier it is better to hang a few sconces around the perimeter and in the dining area;

- Generally for little ones and narrow kitchens only the light from the central chandelier is not desirable - such lighting visually narrows the space, and several points of light from wall lamps will help to expand it. Even a sconce over the table can make the lighting better;
- To accent any wall decorations, place sconces over photos, plates, paintings;

- Above the top of the headset - in the case when there are no mounted headset elements or there are only open shelves that are now in vogue;
- You can also install sconces at the edges of the hood and on the open side of the cabinet above the sink or hob;
- The place above the bar is also a great place for sconces;

General rules
- Remember that the lower the luminaire is located, the lower the ceiling seems, but the cozier the local lighting will be. And vice versa - the higher the sconces with upward light, the higher the kitchen will appear;

- If several sconces are placed on the perimeter of the walls at the same height and distance from each other, then the space will visually become wider. Below is an example of how the light from a wall lamp can expand a small kitchen, which, moreover, has dark walls narrowing the space and part of the facades;

- Chandeliers, floor lamps and, of course, wall lamps are often produced in accordance with one collection, so that you can decorate the kitchen as a single space. But you can choose sconces not only complete with a chandelier.The main thing is that the ceiling and wall lights do not conflict with each other in style, material and color.

Choose diffuser and light direction

- Lamps, completely covered with a canopy as in the photo on the left, create a soft general lighting;
- If the lamp is closed with a diffuser only from below, then the direction of the light will be more upwards - towards the ceiling and the wall, which is more suitable for creating general illumination, rather than local;
- If the lamp is closed from above, then the sconce will quite brightly illuminate only the space under it. Such local lighting is suitable for lighting dining or work areas. If the light will blind the eyes, change the ordinary lamp to a matte one;
- The most versatile and common option is a sconce with the direction of light up and down, and through the cover, that is, the diffuser. Such a wall lamp will not blind the eyes, while creating both general and local lighting in the kitchen.
Choosing a practical material and design

- Wall lights for the kitchen should be easy to clean, so fabric lampshades should be discarded - they will be very salty from the fat particles in the air;
- Wooden elements must be protected in the form of a layer of varnish, and forged - covered with mastic, protecting the metal from grease and dirt;
- Keep in mind that the chrome or gold bracket will get dirty from any touch, and the spots will be very noticeable from the light, so it’s better not to hang such a lamp above the table or in the work area;
- Classic sconces with crystal / glass / plastic also should not be installed in the work area. And, if you put such lamps around the perimeter of the kitchen, take care of the work of the hood, so that over time the pendants will not become covered with fat. Since classic wall lamps are often made as candles and do not have diffusers, choose matt lamps of the appropriate shape for them;
- Placing a wall lamp above the table, prefer lamps with shades of neutral "warm" shades, so the food will seem more appetizing. But a transparent glass of blue or violet tones for a lampshade is not the best solution.
Choose a lamp:

- It is also necessary to focus on the power of the lamps - too bright a room, like too dark, will be uncomfortable for the eyes. A standard for a kitchen of ten square meters is 120 watts;
- It is necessary to take into account the type of lamps. So, inexpensive incandescent bulbs have low efficiency, and luminescent ones shine brightly and softly, but can be tedious for the eyes;
- Transparent bulbs are better suited for wall lamp with a lampshade or a canopy with cuts and perforations. They will create patterns of light and shadows on the ceiling and walls;
- If the wall lamp does not have a diffuser - a plafond or a lampshade, then the lamp should be with a matte finish;
- If the lighting in the kitchen using a sconce is arranged in the work area, then it is optimal to prefer lamps with cold spectrum light (white). If the lamp is placed over the dining table, it is better that it shines muffled and warm.
At what height to hang?
- In case you want to abandon the ceiling chandelier or supplement it with several sconces around the kitchen perimeter, then the standard height of their attachment to the wall is 1.7-2 m from the floor. But this rule is not a dogma, the main thing is that you should easily reach out to the light switch with your hand, but at the same time it should not be placed at eye level if it shines brightly;
- If the sconce is installed above the table or in the dining area above the seats, then the optimum height from the floor is slightly higher than the head of the person sitting, so that the light does not blind the eyes, but you can hang the sconces at the level of human height (1.7-2 m).
Installing sconces before and after repairs
Lighting in the kitchen with the installation of sconces should be thought out in advance.
Provide for the location of 2 or more cable outlet points preferably before or at least in the process of repairing the kitchen, so that the wiring is hidden in the wall. The best option is to determine the sconces in the design project in the 3D visualization program or in the Auto Cad, marking all sockets, switches and cable outlet points from the wall on a separate layer. Or you can simply draw a wall to scale and mark the desired places for the sconce and their switches.

If the repair has already been done, then completely hide the wire is no longer possible. But you can close it with a plastic box, covered with wallpaper or choose sconces with white wire, if the wall is light-colored and with black, if dark. Or just accept and fix the wire with decorative clamps on the wall and along the baseboard all the way to the outlet, so that it looks neater.

How to hang sconces in the kitchen

Properly hang sconces in the kitchen is not difficult. This will require the lamp itself and a switch suitable for it, a section of cable of the desired length for connection. Among the necessary tools are a screwdriver and a hammer drill, a voltage indicator, a drill and a hammer. You will need fasteners - dowels and screws.
The process of installing sconces is to perform the following algorithm:
- Determines the place of installation of the lamp, the height of its location.
- Fully assembled lamp.
- The electricity is turned off.
- The wall is laid under the fasteners and the necessary holes are drilled - complete with sconces there is a special fastening metal plate or bracket.
- Dowels are hammered into the prepared holes, on which the sconce fastener is hung.
- The cartridge is connected to the wires. A tester should be used to avoid confusing zero and phase.
- The rest of the chandelier joins the connected cartridge.
- The device is tested.
After the work is completed, you will only enjoy the soft and comfortable light.
- Choosing the perfect chandelier for your kitchen
- DIY lamp for the kitchen - 3 ways and design ideas based on them
- Wiring in the kitchen with their own hands
- LED lights for the kitchen from A to Z
- The choice of lighting for kitchen cabinets and not only
For kitchens of different sizes, using sconces with diffused light, you can create your own rest corners. In a small kitchen, a lamp installed near the table will be good for evening tea with family or get-togethers with friends. In the big one - above the sofa, for cozy solitude, reading books or needlework.