A real hostess must have at least one apron, made by own hands. And a few are better: women’s for themselves, men’s for husbands, children’s for the culinary creativity of children or grandchildren. In addition, you can sew an apron to work in the garden, for cooking kebabs and barbecue at the cottage, and also an apron made with your own hands is an excellent and useful gift!
Beginner skilled workers choose simple styles for their first apron - for example, an apron trimmed with a ribbon, and more skilled hostesses can experiment with styles, decorating, combinations of colors and materials.
By the way, all experienced seamstresses say that it is the apron that will help you master all the basics of work. And if you do not know how to sew, but you want to learn, it is better to start with sewing an apron with your own hands. After all, such a product consists of elementary, easily interconnecting parts - so we start sewing!
Choosing a material
Do not forget that we are sewing a women's apron for the kitchen and its main purpose is to protect clothes from dirt and at the same time decorate the hostess, so the fabric must withstand frequent washing.
The best fabrics for an apron are teflon, but they are not sold everywhere and are quite expensive. Teflon material does not pass water and does not absorb stains - which means that washing such products will be incredibly easy.
As for the color, it can be any - everything depends on the personal preferences of the hostess. Although there are important nuances that should not be ignored:
- On a monochromatic fabric, the spots will be more noticeable than on bright and color. But, in any case, the apron needs to be washed very often.
- You can choose the material according to personal preferences, and you can combine it with other kitchen textiles and with a common kitchen finish. So, mistress Provence style kitchens, chebbi chic or country is better to sew a piece of linen, thick cotton with ruffles or in a rustic way.
And an apron of simple style with coarse fittings and a leather strap will suit the owner of a modern loft-style kitchen.
- The most non-branded apron is black, but in its pure form it is better not to use it. But white contrasts or bright inserts will make even the simplest model stylish.
- The most versatile, traditional and very beautiful material for an apron - flax and cotton.
- Denim is a beautiful, unmarked and dense material.
Apron Ideas
Having basic skills of sewing do-it-yourself you can sew beautiful aprons of any style. Among the variety of models can distinguish two main types of women's aprons for the kitchen - an apron and a full apron, that is, an apron with a bib and pockets.
By the way, many housewives prefer to sew with their own hands at least two apron - one for each day, and the second - for gala dinners or dinners. Such an apron will create a special mood - for hostesses it is somewhat like an evening dress - and therefore it is done with incredible care.
Cool aprons for the kitchen can have a variety of prints.The easiest way to make such an apron is to sew or buy a plain apron from cotton, find a high-quality picture and order photo printing on it in the studio.
Some models may seem quite ordinary from the front, but from the back - a real exclusive.
Step-by-step instruction
For sewing a women's apron for the kitchen with your own hands you will need:
- High-quality fabric (raincoat fabric, Teflon, linen, cotton, jeans, blended fabrics);
- Pattern;
- Threads of appropriate colors;
- Centimeter, pins, chalk;
- Scissors;
- Sewing machine.
How to sew an apron for the kitchen with your own hands? For you instruction:

All, women's apron for the kitchen is ready - you can start cooking in a beautiful and unique new clothes, sewn with your own hands!
- Sewing a children's apron: a master class, ideas and 70 photos for inspiration
- We sew a kitchen towel - a master class and do-it-yourself decor ideas
- Ideas and workshops on sewing tacks with your own hands
- We sew a tablecloth for 1 evening: a master class for beginners
- 12 super ideas for home and kitchen
- Kitchen decoration and decor - site guide
Isn't it easier to buy a finished apron? It is now the cheapest about 600 rubles. And so who has a lot of free time can independently sew it.
What lovely aprons. These can be sewn both for yourself and as a gift (for March 8, for example).
Thanks for the master classes.
Tatiana, and thank you. Come again)
Very interesting and useful article. Long
I think about learning to sew, but somehow it’s scary to start. Here is all
well described and there was a desire to try, especially since the original
the costs are not very large (it will not be so offensive if something does not work out). And what
concerns the purchase of a finished apron, so it is not at all like that. Whether the thing thing (in
In this case, a kitchen apron), made by hand, which is embedded
a piece of your soul. Many thanks for the article.
and thank you!
and you can also do it for an experiment on a kitchen towel)) Or something like that, be guided by the sizes)))
thank ! You helped me a lot ! And then the fantasy is no longer working and I love aprons
Zhuravskaya Antonina