Clean the eggs, wash the carrots and throw Lavrushka into the soup ... so many important things the kids have in the kitchen! How do a junior chef do without a real apron? Or maybe an interesting activity is planned in kindergarten or school and you were asked to prepare an apron? In any case, the idea to sew a children's apron with his own hands, and not to buy ready-made, reasonable and justified. After all, it is sewn in one evening, does not require any special skills and provides a lot of opportunities for creativity. And of course, beautiful children's aprons for the kitchen will help you to attach the kid to work and tidiness.
This article will be useful for both moms with sewing experience, and novice needlewomen. The main thing here is desire and fantasy. Therefore, before starting work, let us take inspiration from the original ideas of apron for boys and girls.
Ideas for the design and decoration of children's aprons
"Like mom and dad!"
Today, the same clothes for moms, dads and babies are not new. Why not dress the whole family in the same apron sewn in the same style? After all, even “adult” aprons are not difficult to sew, and the child will be delighted, because now cooking in the house will turn into an interesting game and family ritual.
In this case, "family" aprons do not necessarily have to be an exact copy of each other, but they must be combined with the color or pattern of the fabric. Examples of such kits in the photo below.
Ideas for my mother's assistant
If your little helper is growing up, then you can give free rein to fantasy and realize your wildest dreams with your daughter. You can choose bright fabrics with prints: flowers, hearts, animals, princesses, polka dots, dolls and kitchen themes.
However, restrained apron with stripes or a cell will be very stylish.
Also, do not limit yourself to the decor - it can be: ruffles, lace, appliqués, bows, embroidery, and even fabric brooches.
If you like to sew masquerade costumes with your own hands, then you will like these original ideas of children's aprons.
And here are some interesting ideas for experienced needlewomen who can sew well and work with patterns.
Ideas for a little cook
It is no secret that culinary talent in men is in the blood. To help your kid discover his cooking abilities, you need to take an apron very seriously and take into account his interests and preferences.
If your boy is delighted with super-heroes, characters from fairy tales and cartoons, then why not sew him a stylized apron?
The smallest cooks and jolly ones will enjoy bright aprons with animals, cars, dinosaurs, etc.
But serious older guys - serious aprons! No girly ruffles or baby prints, just the elegant style of a real chef.
Choosing a fabric
It is best to choose natural fabrics such as linen or cotton, perfect jeans.
For sewing a small apron will suit a beautiful kitchen towel.
If you want a children's apron to be as practical and versatile as possible, that is, for creativity and for the kitchen, you can sew it from laminated cotton. It looks like this (scroll the photo to the right):
Master class: we sew a children's apron in one evening
In our master class, we will show an example of how you can quickly sew a children's apron for a boy.
Using this basic method, you can sew an apron for a girl, but, of course, in this case you need to choose the appropriate color of the fabric, the pattern can be made more complicated, for example, with a round skirt and a figured bodice, and of course add ruffles, lace or appliqués. This is how girly aprons, made by the method described by us, can look like.
So, in order to sew a children's apron with our own hands, we need:
- Dense natural fabric as a base;
- Bright matter for pocket or decor;
- A bias x / bake (try to find or make your own x \ b bake, since the satin is, firstly, slippery, and secondly, it does not fit well with natural fabric);
- Threads in bei color;
- Sewing accessories: machine, pins, scissors.

First we need to cut the fabric. You can do this with the help of the finished pattern. But we chose the easiest way to cut without using a pattern, but with some measurements.
- Cut a rectangle. Its width can be chosen without measurements - as a rule, it is 45-60. We expect the length by measuring the child - we determine on the chest the place from which the apron should start and measure the desired length.
- Since we will be turning over all the edges of the apron, we do not take into account the bending allowances. But if you do not want to turn over the whole apron, then the length and width should be determined taking into account the allowance for hemming of 3 cm on one side;
- It is possible to sew a children's apron both on growth, and with length "mini".
- The resulting rectangle fold in half (lengthwise) face inward. Now on this blank, you need to make side cuts, outlining a concave (or straight) line. To do this: on the baby’s chest, we determine the appropriate width of the top of the apron, for example, it can be 23 cm. Then we measure the distance from the top of the apron to the waistline, that is, where the ties will be sewn. On the top of the folded rectangle from the fold in the direction we note half the desired width of the chest apron (23 cm / 2 = 11.5 cm). From this mark we draw a concave or straight cut line to the waist level, which we have already defined. Cut off the excess and proceed to the preparation of the pocket.
- The pocket, in our case, is just a rectangular piece of bright fabric. Pockets in the form of a heart, a semicircle, etc. are more suitable for a girl.
So, the blank is ready, we proceed to the processing of its edges using hemming or edging, as in our master class. Getting started with the chest part. Tape, braid, strip of fabric must be prepared in an appropriate way - bend, bend and iron.
- The master class uses a slanting cotton fabric - yes, it is not so easy to find in the store, but it is very easy to work with it, as it does not slip and blends well with the cotton fabric.
First we put a tape in the top of the apron. The length of the bit must be slightly greater than the width of the top of the product
Then we sheathe the edges of the apron, starting from the waistline on one side of the product and ending on the other. At the corners of the inlay, bends and stitches as shown in the photo below.
It should turn out like this.
The remaining unprocessed edges will be covered with a bake, which will form the strings. To do this, take about 135 cm of the bake and, leaving a 45 cm cut free (this is the future string), fasten it with pins from the top to the bottom edge of the rounded side of the apron (photo on the left). First, we stitch a tape around the edge of the product, and then the remaining ties (right photo). We perform the same actions on the other side.
If desired, you can make a string in the form of a loop, for this you need to use 1 long stripe, and not two.
Hooray! Almost done - it remains only to sew a pocket. But first, it must be sheathed on all sides along the inner edge of the bei as in the photo below.
Now sew a pocket. Put it in the center of the apron, fix it with pins and stitch it on three sides along the outer edge of the bei.
Optionally, you can make a pocket with 1-3 compartments. In our lesson we will make two compartments - one narrow (for example, for a pen) and one wider - for important items of a small cook. Just define the width of each compartment and stitch in the right place.
Well that's all. We show, try on a new baby and go to cook!
Also, watch the video how to sew a children's apron sundress:
- All about sewing an apron for the kitchen - instructions, tips and photos for inspiration
- We sew a kitchen towel - a master class and do-it-yourself decor ideas
- Ideas and workshops on sewing tacks with your own hands
- We sew a tablecloth for 1 evening: a master class for beginners
- 10 wall decoration ideas for the kitchen
Here is an excellent reason to become like a mother: to dress up in an apron. Remarkable design ideas and a clear description of cutting and sewing. Took advantage. Happened!
Tatiana, great! Glad the material came in handy!