We find out which wallpaper can only be wiped with a rag, and which - even with a brush! We also determine the best and worst types in terms of ease of care.
Choosing non-woven wallpaper for painting and vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base. We compare them with vinyl and paper wallpaper and glue independently for 6 steps.
Find out what types of vinyl wallpaper are and what is best to choose for the kitchen. And also we calculate the consumption of materials, choose the appropriate glue and glue the wallpaper yourself.
Seascapes or city streets, the Eiffel Tower or the Golden Gate Bridge, Monet or Deineka ... What wallpaper will transform your kitchen, beating its features in your favor? We understand the tricks and techniques of designers further in the article.
We assemble and install 3 types of siphon: flask, with overflow and double in just 4 simple steps.
We install the mixer in the kitchen with our own hands correctly and conscientiously - we remove the old one and connect the new one using the 5-step instruction with photos and videos.
What size should an ideal sink be, so that in the process of washing dishes the water does not splash, the clothes do not soak, and the trays and pans easily fit? We answer this and other common questions about the size of kitchen sinks.
We are getting ready to buy a kitchen sink and find out why we need to bring a magnet to the store, what depth the bowl should have so that water does not splash when washing dishes, and what are afraid of washing from artificial stone later in the article.
How to paint the walls in the kitchen neat and simple, with no experience? What paints can withstand frequent washing? Why paints for kitchen decoration are more expensive? What you need to know before buying materials: paints, brushes and rollers? We answer questions and study the "painting" case.
We are preparing for the purchase of floor tiles for the kitchen - we get acquainted with the quality indicators and draw ideas of the design of tile floors from the selection of interior photos.
We answer the questions: how does porcelain tile differ from ceramic tiles? What's better? What are its pros and cons? What types, sizes and design are there? How not to get lost in the store and how to lay a tile of ceramic granite with your own hands?
How is laminate worse / better than tile, floorboard and linoleum? What to choose - waterproof or waterproof coating? What color of the laminate is less soiled? How to choose the strength class? How to put the laminate in the kitchen with your own hands?
We choose the best linoleum for the kitchen, understand the durability classes and design, refute 5 common myths about linoleum, compare it with tile and laminate and stack it with your own hands.
It is considered to be impractical to lay the floorboard in the kitchen. How fair is this? We understand the pros and cons, compare the floorboard with laminate and find out what affects its price. Choose a suitable breed of wood and see photos of the floors in the interior.
The advantages of self-leveling floors. Terms of surface preparation for the application of such a coating. How to work with the composition for self-leveling floors. How to decorate the coating. Photo polymer floor in the interior.
How can you hide, move or decorate communications? What methods are suitable for heating, gas, water pipes, batteries and gas water heater? Tips, photos, videos.
Instructions with a selection of videos and useful tips for those who are not looking for easy ways, who want to reliably and conscientiously make the repair of the ceiling in the kitchen on their own.
Find out which type of stretch ceilings is more suitable for the kitchen, what they have pros and cons, as well as 5 main tips for choosing.
Gypsum ceiling is ideal for the kitchen - with it you can not only create a unique design, but also to zone the space, hide communications, create niches for lighting, and much more.
A suspended ceiling made of plastic panels is one of the most practical and yet inexpensive types of ceiling decoration in the kitchen. How to choose high-quality PVC panels and correctly install them further in the article.