What is the difference between porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles? These two materials are similar to each other in appearance, in composition and in performance, but due to different production technology they have significant differences. Unlike tiles, porcelain does not have porosity, internal voids and microcracks, which provides it with much higher strength, water and wear resistance. In addition, he is not afraid of the effects of any household chemicals, or alkali, or acids, or temperature changes. It is because of these qualities that porcelain tile is suitable for the kitchen more than any other material, including stone and traditional tiles.
The ceramic granite tile surpasses even natural granite in hardness, since it has 8-9 points on the MOOS scale, for comparison: granite - only 6 units, and corundum - 10 units.
Porcelain tile is made from a special mixture of kaolin clays with the addition of mineral pigments, quartz powder, metal oxides as coloring agents. It is called ceramic for the reason that it necessarily passes the stage of high-temperature firing, combined with pressing.
But this seemingly ideal material has some drawbacks:
- The price of floor stoneware tiles ranges from 250 to 1800 rubles / sq. m., and the minimum cost for laying - 500 rubles. The tile wins in this sense;
- Despite its high strength, porcelain can crack from a very strong blow;
- Such a floor will be colder than linoleum, laminate or parquet. Therefore it is better to warm the floor. Otherwise - just lay in the dining area. non-marking carpet;
- Design options less than ceramic tiles.
How to distinguish porcelain from ordinary tiles? It is very simple to make it; it is enough to look at the cut - at the porcelain tile the coloring pigment is dyed to the full depth, as it is added at the very beginning of production.
See also the material: All about ceramic floor tiles in the kitchen.
How to choose the right coverage
Choosing porcelain tiles on the kitchen floor, you need to pay attention to the technical characteristics of the coating - durability, compliance with geometric dimensions, strength indicators.
You need to know that porcelain is classified into five groups depending on the class of abrasion:
- PEI 1 and PEI 2 - only for rooms with low traffic;
- PEI 3 - for residential premises with an average load on the floor covering;
- PEI 4 - for public buildings with high traffic;
- PEI 5 - premises with increased traffic, including vehicles: warehouses, etc.
Suitable floor tiles for flooring in the kitchen - class PEI 3.
We go to the store - how not to make a mistake in choosing
Having come to the store for floor tiles made of porcelain stoneware, arm yourself with a pen and a notebook in which you write down:
- Prices;
- Formats (required, since it is very important to calculate the right amount of material);
- Names of brands and manufacturers;
- The names of the collections.
It is better not to buy the option you like right away. Go back home, think it over, and calculate the required number of tiles with a 10% margin and taking into account the format. Think about what accessories you need - grout, baseboards, corners, thresholds. If you want to save money, look for the tile that you like in other stores and online stores by article or simply by brand name, collection, etc.
Choose a design - beautiful and non-dark
It should also be borne in mind that porcelain tile is represented in a variety of design solutions. Here, the appropriate option must be chosen according to the general style of the room. Among the traditional design options stand out:
- “Salt / pepper” - finely shredded texture on a one-color background. The most budget option;
- Imitation of natural granite, marble (marble) and other natural stones;
- Textured floor tiles with a complex pattern, imitating wood, or with complex abstract patterns;
Porcelain stoneware for the kitchen is chosen to make the floor seem traditional massive, but it was practical. And this is a very reasonable decision, because today you can find a very naturalistic tile that is most similar to wood. In addition, this floor will be organically combined with a laminate or floorboard in other rooms and hallway.
- Monocolor, monochrome surfaces, painted with natural dyes, and therefore expensive;
Using monocolor tiles of different colors, you can put a picture on the floor, as shown in the photo below.
In addition, porcelain can vary in texture. So, natural (matte) coating is not processed after firing, so that it has a high wear resistance. And when glazed floor tiles are made, the matte surface of the ceramic granite is cut off and lightened in a special way.
- It is impossible to slip on rough, textured surfaces, but it is more difficult to wash them. On the other hand, the dirt on this floor will be less noticeable;
- Polished surfaces are afraid of scratches, so it is better to put plugs on kitchen furniture.
Ceramic granite tiles for the floor on the variation of sizes slightly inferior to ceramic. The most popular formats are 30x30 cm, 40x40 cm and 60x60 cm. But you can choose very large tiles (120x80 cm) and very small tiles (5x5 cm).

We are preparing for laying porcelain - what is required for work, leveling the base
Laying porcelain tiles with their own hands provides training. At this stage, calculate the required number of tiles, glue, grout. To the amount of tile obtained in accordance with the area of the room, add 8-12% for trimming and other errors.
Porcelain tiles can be stacked in a seamless way, but this will require a rectified material with perfect geometry and very expensive.
Preparing tools and consumables:

- Ruler and tape measure for measuring;
- Building level;
- Spatulas - rubber, gear, metal;
- Marker;
- Nozzle mixer on a drill;
- The capacity suitable for preparation of glue solution;
- Bulgarian with diamond wheels for cutting;
- The crosses allowing to receive uniform seams between tiles;
- Primer for the base;
- Adhesive mixture;
- Grout;
- Silicone sealant.
The floor tile itself may also need preparation - sometimes the material is supplied with a protective wax or paraffin coating. The wax can be removed with soapy water, and the paraffin wax is cleaned with a spatula.
The base for laying is also compulsorily prepared, since significant differences in height will not be eliminated by the adhesive mixture. Poor quality concrete floor leveling mixtures. New screed after drying, ground, and then cleaned.
The surface before installation of porcelain tile should be dry and clean.
See the material on the topic: How to lay a tile with your own hands.
How to put porcelain on the floor with their own hands
So, how to put porcelain tiles right. Experts recommend styling according to a preliminary marking.
It is necessary to find the optimal starting point - from the middle of the room, and the axis line must correspond to the center of the first tiled row. If, however, with such an arrangement, narrow pieces remain near the wall, then it is necessary to change the arrangement, “bring out” the trimming, where it will be invisible.
Before the floor tiles will be laid, you need to check the adhesion of the adhesive mixture to the base. Good adhesion will not immediately separate the glued element.
Adhesive solution is prepared with great care - it is not allowed lumps, and the consistency should match the thick cream.
A metal spatula is used to apply glue to a tile, and then the excess mortar is removed with a notched trowel. It is important that the glue is applied evenly.
And in order to fit the floor tile with the same gaps, use special plastic crosses. After the installation of the coating is completed, the seams are thoroughly cleaned from excess mortar. To do this, use a clean damp cloth.
Keep in mind that after the glue hardens, cleaning the tile will be much more difficult.
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Probably, porcelain tile is the most efficient solution for the kitchen ... I proceed from the practicality of the material. Regarding color poverty: not so great.
I think if you are engaged in laying such a tile with your own hands, then 10 percent of the reserve is not enough. Of course, it looks very noble and stylish. But, if you cook for a large family and spend a long time in the kitchen, you can freeze the legs.
The tile is not only an ideal material for the floor in the kitchen, aesthetics, but also fits from the point of sanitary standards, the tile does not accumulate dust, does not accumulate allergens, which then enter food.
Porcelain tile is the most suitable floor covering for the kitchen, and in order not to freeze your feet, make a warm floor. If there is a flat heat meter, save more on heating.
I have been choosing material for the kitchen floor for several weeks, but I haven’t chosen anything. Either I don’t know myself what I want, or there is so much material that it’s hard to choose.
The article somehow focused me on certain points, laid out the information "on the shelves", - now I more clearly imagine - what I need.
At the same time I think that after all the laying should be entrusted to the Master.
We have porcelain tiles in the kitchen. Convenient and practical. The problem of "cold" was solved simply: in the autumn and winter, a small rug appears in the kitchen, and in the summer it is hot. And for children, it was thought that in the winter, in the far corner, penguins live, so it blows cold from there.
After reading the article, I firmly decided, in the hallway and in the kitchen I will put porcelain, at a price from the usual is not much different.
Put on the kitchen porcelain. In principle, we are satisfied with everything, it is really very durable, withstood the blow of a cast-iron pan, and it is pleasant to walk on it, but I would like to advise those who are going to change the floor in the kitchen, especially if the room is small - do not take a large tile, it visually reduces space. Standard 40 to 40 is ideal for an 8-meter kitchen.About 10% of the stock is also not sure, as our master had enough butt tiles, although we bought much more than 10%.
Porcelain tile is really durable and fits on the floor not only to the kitchen, but also to the hallway. But there is one thing, porcelain stoneware must be constantly washed with grease removers. It is porous and absorbs fat in the kitchen, it becomes slippery.
Olga, thank you for your advice!
Helen, glad that the material was useful.
It is said that Chinese porcelain tiles from Summit Ceramics and Kingbrick Ceramics are of very good quality.
By the way, they have a lot of interesting tiles. Our friends are already 8 years old and not worn out. By the way, the grooved anti-slip surface is of pretty good quality. Other friends also have GRANITI FIANDRE from Italy. They also seem to have not complained yet.
Today looked porcelain in the construction market. In several points on my prozba: show Spanish tile, I was asked to pay attention to the Turkish. Motivated by the fact that the quality is not worse and at a price cheaper. Now I wondered ...
Most likely you Vitry offered. Well, how did you like the design?
Yes, the tile is pretty, there is even a very beautiful one. But I am confused that the Turkish ...
If you like it and for the money suits you, take it. I have Spain in the kitchen, which is on the walls, that the porcelain stoneware…