Curtains of thread appeared with us not so long ago. At the same time, this decoration is known in the interior of almost millennia. Kisei has a rich history and was first invented in eastern countries. It was used to create a light shading of the room, not blocking the way for the natural circulation of air.
What are they good in the conditions and in the interior of the kitchen?
Kisey helps to make the room more comfortable, and the atmosphere is relaxed. It can be easily decorated in different ways, combined with ordinary curtains or with thread curtains of other colors.
When trimming, the threads are not shaggy, they are easily tied into knots, woven together and just as easily unwound and acquire the same appearance without being deformed.
However, stylish design is only one of the main characteristics that allow the use of thread curtains in the interior of the kitchen.
- So, if the day is sunny and bright, then the curtains of the thread will protect your eyes from the blinding sunlight, and on an overcast day they will not greatly hinder the passage of light into the kitchen;
- You should not be afraid of the impracticality of such products - after all, in fact, the curtains of the thread almost do not get dirty compared to traditional textiles. So you need to wash them quite rarely.
Thread curtains can be used not only to decorate a window opening - they can be used to make a spectacular zoning by highlighting the dining area or dividing the space in a studio apartment. Noodles will create a translucent "wall" that will not break the unity of the interior and will not be difficult to pass through.
In addition, thread curtains contribute to the visual increase of space, raising the ceilings. Therefore, these curtains are recommended to use on small kitchens with low ceilings.
Are there any downsides?

- If you have pets, and especially a cat, then it is better to roll the usual curtains;
- Curtains of thread in the interior of the kitchen look very nice, but their color, design and decor need to be well thought out so that they are combined with decoration, furniture, and style of the room. So, especially carefully you need to choose curtains with glass beads, sequins and other decor. Too many decorations can look tasteless and quickly get bored.
Types of cotton curtains
Curtains of thread used in the interior, will help to make the kitchen more comfortable. Moreover, the diverse design of solutions will allow you to choose an option for any style - from fancy classics to the original ethnics.
Currently, the design of such curtains is very, very different - it can be:
- Narrow strings or wide noodles;
- Spirals, "chains", thick ropes and soft, like plush threads;
- Monophonic cotton curtains;
- The combination of shades called "Rainbow", smooth transitions or sharp contrasts;
- With various decorative elements - feathers, beads, sequins, glass beads and even New Year's “rain”;
- Threads with pompoms.
How to hang a muslin so as not to tangle the thread
A muslin is a series or several cascades of threads that fall from such a border-base, as shown in the photo.
Thus, the curtains can be hung in three ways:
- pass the rod (eaves) inside the pocket of the hem (if there is no hole in the hem, you can simply fold it in half and flash it);
- You can simply hang the curtains on the hooks;
- A universal way is to sew a curtain braid and hang the muslin on hooks to the eaves.
And how to hang the cotton curtains so that the threads are not tangled? This is done simply.
We take out the curtains from the package and see that they are tied up in several places with ribbons, so the manufacturer made sure that the threads do not tangle.
Now remove the first top tape and hang the curtains on the eaves in any way described above. Then we remove the remaining tapes in order and carefully begin to disassemble the tangled threads, sliding the muslin over the width of the cornice. The main thing is not to pull the threads and unravel them from top to bottom.
Thread curtains may initially have a greater length. There is nothing terrible in this - a muslin is easily cut by sharp scissors. This can be done in just a few minutes.
How to wash
- To wash the curtains of the thread, you need to gently twist them into a cloth, tied up with a cloth in several places (you can also tie a knot or weave a braid), then put it in a special bag (nylon tights will do). If you do not first tie the strings, they will become confused and it will be very difficult to unravel them;
- After washing, the noodles dry quickly - there is no need to dry it specifically, just hang it on the cornice, where it will straighten under its own weight and dry out. In this case, they must first be hung in a knitted form, and then gradually untie the strings and unravel the tangled threads;
- You can also dry-clean your gum.
How to make curtains threads yourself?
It’s not difficult at all to make kiseyu with your own hands, even a beginner can handle it. And to translate ideas into life, you only need threads or wide ribbons for curtains a la noodles. Threads can replace buttons, shells, wine corks, ribbons of different colors, strips of cloth, such as tulle.
In addition, you will need appropriate decorations, such as beads, beads, sequins, stones. But keep in mind that curtains with feathers, cannons, hairs, fabric balls or pom-poms are not suitable for the kitchen in terms of practicality.
If you want your hat to look like a factory, choose for your tailoring smooth yarn from viscose, which will flow, shimmering in the sun. At the curtain 2.5 m long and 3 m wide, at least 10 skeins of yarn will go away.
Before you do the curtains of the thread with your own hands, you need to correctly calculate the length of the product, measuring the window opening and find the optimal pitch between parallel lines. A braid, a wide ribbon or a wooden (metal) plank is selected as the basis for a self-made design.
The ends of the threads are burned or tied into a knot. The easiest option is tulle (or other non-edging fabric) cut into strips of equal length and width and tie to the rod-cornice.
- Curtains for the kitchen: color, material, look and style
- Guide to choosing a curtain rail for kitchen curtains and installation instructions
- Lambrequin for the kitchen - how should it be and how to sew it?
- Everything you need to know about kitchen tulle
- How to choose the perfect short curtains for the kitchen
- Knitted curtains for the kitchen
All curtain options are good. Their weightlessness, translucency will make the interior of the kitchen light, the variety of colors, textures - interesting, simple making their own hands - non-standard. Only confused narrow thread Kisey, yet the probability of accidental entanglement during operation and washing is higher than that of other curtains.
Good day.If you do yourself, then where to get such coils with threads, in which store can they be sold?