How great it is in summer and in winter always to have on hand fresh greens, for example, onion feathers. After all, it is often needed for salads and pies, and it is very easy to grow it right on the windowsill. In this article you will find 2 step by step instructions on how to grow green onions at home on the water or in the ground.
Method 1. How to grow onions on greens in water
It would seem that this method of growing onions at home is so simple and well known to everyone that it does not even require instructions. After all, you just need to put the head in the water and wait for the harvest. However, this method has two problems - the rapid decay of the vegetable and the appearance of an unpleasant smell. To minimize these costs and speed up the growth process, we offer to grow onions according to the following improved instructions.
What you need:
- Common onion from the store. Ideally, it is better to pick an already germinated onion with small arrows. However, any medium-sized onion will do, as long as the head is dense and healthy.
- A glass or a jar with a small neck.
- Otstoyannaya water.
- Activated carbon 1-2 tablets.
Step 1. First of all, you need to prepare the bulb for forcing. To do this, pre-clean the onion from the top layer of the husk, pierce its root cup with a skewer and cut off the top of the head by 1-1.5 cm as shown in the photo (if the onion is already germinated, then it is not necessary to cut off the top).

Preparation of onions in distillation on water
Step 2. Next, we need to lower the onion into a container with water just enough for the water to cover only its root cup. This is necessary in order for the onions to take root, and he will let them in a day.
Step 3. After one day, when the onions grow roots, you can slightly drain the water from the glass so that the water covers only them and does not touch the cup. This simple technique will allow the onions to no longer rot and produce an unpleasant smell.
Step 4. It remains only to wait for 2 weeks and during this time periodically change the water. As soon as the feathers sprout to about 15 cm, it will be time to harvest.

Sprouted onions
Tips and Tricks:
- In order for the onions not to rot even longer, add 1-2 tablets of activated carbon to the water.
- If you want to sprout a lot of onions at home, while spending a minimum of effort, get in the store hydroponic installation "Onion happiness". It works as follows: 20 heads are inserted into the wells, the container is filled with water, then the compressor creates an air-water environment. Due to the fact that the root cups almost do not come into contact with water, the bulbs do not rot, and due to the oxygenation of the roots they produce 2 crops per month 30-40 cm long.
- It is very convenient to germinate on the windowsill just a dozen bulbs in the package from under the eggs. In order to build such a “hydroponic installation” with your own hands, you only need to divide the container into two halves, cut holes in the upper “tier” cells, and fill the lower “tray” with water and cut off its extra hillocks. Then put the two pieces on top of each other and lay wooden skews between them, as shown in the photo below.
- By the same principle you can grow your own hands on the window sill and leek, bought in the store. To do this, cut off the white roots from the feathers (pictured below), and then place them in a container with water, only 1 cm deep. Leave the roots for 2 weeks in the water, changing it periodically (preferably every day). However, a week after the forcing, when young shoots appear, the leek can be transplanted into the ground.
Method 2. How to grow onions on greens in the ground
Growing onions on a feather at home is best in the soil, not in the water. It is almost as simple, but the bulb can give a crop at least 2 times, stand for 1-2 months and at the same time practically does not produce odor. In addition, if you plant a turnip in a nice pot, then your mini garden bed will also decorate your window sill.
What you need:
- Priming. In winter, you can buy suitable soil in the store (for example, it can be a mixture for cacti with a high content of sand or just universal soil), and in summer you can take the soil from the nearest plot.
- A few small healthy bulbs, preferably not fresh, but lain for a couple of months and sprouting. If you wish, you can grow sevok feathers, but then the feathers will have to wait longer, and you will not be able to use germinated sevok for the second time. Another alternative to onion is leek. It must first be germinated in water for 7 days (as described in the first instruction) and only then transplanted into the ground.
- Container, pot or any other container of suitable size.
- Ottoyannaya water for irrigation.
Step 1. With the selected turnips remove one layer of top husk, cut 1-1.5 cm of the tops (if the onions are not sprouts), and then soak their root cups for a couple of hours or more in warm water so that they grow slightly. All these techniques will accelerate the growth of feathers.
Step 2. While the bulbs are soaked, we fall asleep ground 4-7 cm deep into the container.
Step 3. Now we plant bulbs or sevok every 2 cm, but without penetration. That is, so that only the root cups of the heads are in contact with the soil. Remember that the smaller the bulb touches the soil, the less likely it is to rot. When you plant all the onions, pour the ground with a small amount of warm water so that the soil becomes slightly moist and the onions do not get wet.
- To plant sevka on the feather, you need to use loose earth and onions to plant a depth of 1-2 cm tightly to each other.
- To plant a leek, it must also be dug into loose earth to a depth of 2 cm. However, it will take a little longer to wait for the harvest — about three weeks.
Step 4. Immediately put the onion bed on the windowsill is not worth it: it is better to remove it in a dark cool place for germination in just a few days. If you have planted already lying down and sprouted onions, then you can do without this stage.
Step 5. Well that's all. Now it remains only to wait a couple of weeks, when the greens grow to 15 cm, and at this time lightly water the bed 1 time in 3-4 days. Cut mature feathers need in the middle of the beam and not too close to the bulb, then she will have sprouts, which will soon give the next harvest.
Tips and Tricks:
- To save space on the windowsill, you can create a vertical bed with your own hands. To do this, take a 5-liter plastic bottle with a stable bottom, cut off the neck of it, make several holes at the bottom and cut holes on the walls in a staggered manner with an interval of 3-4 cm (you will get about 4 tiers). Then gradually fill the bottle with primer.

Planting bulbs in a vertical bed from a bottle
- As soon as the ground reaches the first tier, place the bulbs in the holes as shown in the photo above, pour the ground and repeat the steps to fill the bottle all the way to the top. Place the bottle on a plate and water the earth every 4 days for 2 weeks.
- Leek and onions can be grown on the same bed.
- Another secret: in order to always have fresh greens in the house, grow onions in 2-3 containers, planting them every 10 days. Then you get a "vitamin conveyor."
- To speed up the growth process and improve the taste of greenery, in the evening and at night, the beds on the windowsill can be highlighted with a fluorescent lamp. Especially this advice is relevant in the winter.
- Also, for greater juiciness, you can periodically spray the feathers, but so that the moisture does not fall on the turnips themselves.
- In the summer, make sure that the temperature in the area of the window sill, where the onions grow, does not rise above 30 °. Otherwise the feather will stop growing. To protect the crop from overheating, you can wrap the tray with foil.
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